Fatigued upperclassmen, this is for you.
The following is a back of the envelope calculation to determine how many dollars worth of snacks I stole from the Faculty House dining hall over winter break. It is not intended to be used as a guide for how you too can get free snacks. That would be wrong.
The world’s a scary place, and sometimes people steal your wallet. This happened on Sunday at the East Asian Library in Kent to a female student. Public Safety wrote in a statement that the man in this picture used her credit card at two stores in the area. The full email is below. Keep your […]
Bwog received a email from Dean Terry Martinez about Columbia Public Safety’s successful apprehension of a bike theft suspect. After receiving a tip from a CC student on November 22nd, Public Safety followed up and managed to arrest the suspect for “attempted bike larceny, criminal mischief, and possession of burglary tools.” In light of the […]
Two bikes were stolen from the Wien Courtyard last Sunday between 4:11 and 4:15pm. Yesterday Public Safety sent out this alert with images of the thief. Public Safety reminds everyone to keep their bikes locked and call 212-854-4790 if they have any information about the crime. Precious goods via wikimedia
Technology ruined baseball. And Times Square. Or maybe that was Bloomberg and the throngs of tourists. Either way, Times Square is getting an overhaul to make it, if you can believe it, “minimalistic.” (NY Daily News) In one of the most poorly kept secrets of all time, it’s official: Jay-Z and a small consortium of […]
According to a tipster, two laptops were just stolen from ADP on 114th St. Public Safety and the NYPD are on the scene. This is the third incident in as many days, but there is no evidence that they are related. The laptops were stolen during a rush event. Members of ADP saw strangers in […]
Some worrisome news: after the laptop theft in Theta yesterday, multiple tipsters report that two laptops, an iPad and several credit cards were stolen from Hartley 8, Suite A, earlier tonight. Soon after, a Hartley RA sent out an email to her residents confirming that three rooms were robbed. Another tipster spotted uniformed NYPD officers leaving a […]
Last night, Bwog spotted a public safety officer guarding the door to Theta’s brownstone. We’ve learned from tipsters that an unidentified male walked into Theta yesterday, pretended to be friends with one of the girls, stole three four laptops, and left. Later that evening, Director of Residential Programs Stephanie Nixon sent an email to the […]
Once again, many a wooden chair has gone missing from the Schapiro lounges, and Housing is prepared to take action. Darleny Cepin, Associate Director of the Office of Residential Programs, warned residents that all of the furniture must be returned by 9am this Friday, or else a team of Res, Housing, and Facilities staff will open […]
A tipster tells us they saw a boy being led out of Carman by three men in suits earlier this afternoon. According to reports, the student had three laptops in his bag. That would account for three of the four laptops stolen on Tuesday. We’ll keep you posted. Again, if you know/saw/heard anything, tip us […]
Bwog’s just been tipped that at least four laptops were stolen roughly between the hours of 2 and 4 this afternoon. At least 2 from Claremont, 1 from Wien, and 1 from McBain. A Claremont security guard reports seeing three “unfamiliar faces” being signed into the building between those hours this afternoon. Another tipster informs […]
The residents of Schapiro face a dreaded Housing raid, as lounge furniture-pilfering students failed to learn a lesson from Wien/EC. It seems that 3 chairs and 3 tables have gone missing from the 2nd, 9th, 10th and 11th floor lounges. Who’s hosting a dinner party in their Schapiro double? Housing has given the hooligans until […]
BruceWillisFan#1@aol.com [Sam Schube] alerts us that six sanitation trucks are lined up on Broadway and 113th–EXACTLY of like that scene in Die Hard with a Vengeance when $140 billion of gold is carted away in dump trucks. A word to the wise: keep an eye on your bricks, friends.
Where are the chairs? Until they are returned to Ferris…no justice, no peace!
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025