It’s that time of year again folks: the Columbia University Marching Band has released their first round of flyers for this year’s Fall Orgo Night taking place December 16th at 11:59PM in Butler 209. While these posters are definitely less controversial than those of previous years, we expect the event itself to maintain its usual level of offense. As always, Bwog plans […]
Late last night, Bwog was ushered into the back room of Havana, usually reserved for drunken revelry and awkward hook-ups, for a different sort of party—The 120th Annual Varsity Show’s West End Preview. Although it still had its share of awkward premises and jokes that fell flat, we should note that we’re going to be […]
As per (sort of) tradition, we asked a select few of our favorite people what tops their holiday wish lists. Read on to find out how you can regift that bunny your mom got you again even though you already have like SIX… Deantini wants a 1963 Ferrari 250 GTO, which he says has been what he’s […]
Classes start today! And as you probably already know (unless you’re a wee freshperson), today is noteworthy for two reasons: You will actually attend all of your classes. Your lovely profs will say silly/funny/hilarious things to convince you to continue to come to class for the rest of the semester. We at Bwog enjoy a […]
Next year, a program called the “Forum” will be held in the Diana, according to a guest from Student Life. The program will emphasize public speaking and take the form of a Roman forum. The guest hopes that the event will become part of Barnard tradition. SGA is looking into the possibility of Barnard’s participation […]
New semesters bring new absurdity. On the first day of class, those crazy geniuses who walk among us young folk spice up the classroom with their funny, strange and wise words. Share your professors’ most outrageous openers in the comments. ‘Tis a tradition! And keep sending the semester’s silliest to Image via Wikimedia
It’s freezing outside, everyone’s getting sick, and finals loom near… which can only mean that it’s time to light up the trees, surround ourselves with song and dance, drink warm drinks and have MiMoo try to make everyone feel happy, sane and loved again! It’s worth braving the cold for some hot cocoa, cider, cookies, […]
The 5th Annual Primal Scream/Pillow Fight will commence at 11:55 tonight. This year, there will be a twist. Two Facebook groups were started to advertise the Pillow Fight, one encouraging its army to meet in front of Butler, the other to meet at the Sundial. Instead of merging, the creators (Lisa Mack and Sue Yang, […]
CCSC’s College Days, a week-long last hurrah of sorts for school spirit, officially begin today at 1:00 with the Opening Ceremony on Low Plaza. 40s on 39, anyone? The rest of the College Days schedule is as follows: Opening Ceremony Today, 1-3pm Low Plaza King’s Ball April 10, 9pm-1am Roone Arledge Auditorium BBQ April 11, […]
Bwog crowded into the mystical back room of Havana Central to see the preview of The 116th Annual Varsity Show. Upon receiving an invitation to a student production, every administrator must blanch with fear. Given the last two Varsity Shows’ penchant for administrative caricatures, it’s a wonder Deans Shollenberger and Denburg showed up at all. […]
There’s nothing like a Saturday morning trad to get your weekend off right. Wrap up in your comforter and scroll down for a smattering of cartoons from this week – Enjoy! “I’m nothing, and yet I’m all I can think about.” By William Hamilton from The New Yorker
Every spring at about this time, freshmen walk by Low Steps wondering why a bunch of seniors are sitting there with bottles in paper bags, or why Alma Mat er smells like vomit. Last year, a few of the hipper low-level administrators joined the loiterers in their celebration of public drunkenness, dodging security officers’ halfhearted […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025