Staff Writer Dominic Wiharso attended Columbia’s Institute of Latin American Studies’ book presentation and roundtable where global scholars engaged in a dialogue about the book, Feminist Anthropologies in Mexico: Epistemologies, Ethics, Practices, and Diverse Looks.
Representatives from Guatemala, Chile, and Peru spoke during a Zoom session on October 29th about their aims to construct a plurinational state within Latin America.
For those who just aren’t ready for precedented times.
Staff Writer Daniel Ortega-Venni has volunteered to help you, dear reader, get to the bottom of those annoying (and sometimes terrifying) Zoom glitches.
Against all odds, Bacchanal 2021 will be the best Columbia has had in years, thanks to yours truly.
Turn on Night Mode and spare yourself.
Staff Writer and new bwogger Eleanor Babwin explains proper pet etiquette while attending Zoom University.
POV: You shyly pin your crush’s video, and in the reflection of their glasses, you see your magnified self. O romance! O love! How the heart burst at the thrill of such thought!
Whether next semester ends up being online or not, we all have a lot of Zoom meetings ahead of us before all this is over. So here’s some tips for professors, from students, to make the online learning experience as palatable as possible!
Technology is mystifying but it’s no match for flatulence.
Need to impress someone in your class but struggling with the restrictions of distance and quarantine? We’ve gotcha covered.
Now that all classes are taking place over the online wonderland that is Zoom, we students have limitless possibilities to creatively multitask.
Full disclosure: Your correspondent, Carolyn Ruvkun, lives on John Jay 11. Though she did not participate in the project described below, she is inclined to defend her floor mates and their shenanigans. On Sunday afternoon, a few badass residents of John Jay decided to construct a string-and-cup telephone between rooms on opposites sides of the […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025