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You’re going to class today! Learn how to not be “that guy” in LitHum. It’s the first day of school, folks! Savor the crackling sound of creasing book binds and the strong scent of newly sharpened pencils. Freshpeople, Bwog can’t believe you kids are already starting classes. It was only last week you were collecting […]
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Relax, freshlings. We know Columbia can be a weird place, but you don’t have to figure it all out today. Even the most seasoned students can forget about some of Columbia’s quirks after a school-free summer. Here are a few tips to help you along as you adjust: Physical Education classes don’t begin until the […]
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Classes start today! And as you probably already know (unless you’re a wee freshperson), today is noteworthy for two reasons: You will actually attend all of your classes. Your lovely profs will say silly/funny/hilarious things to convince you to continue to come to class for the rest of the semester. We at Bwog enjoy a […]
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Green Sale Redux

The Eco reps are at it again! In the Broadway lounge they are selling “upperclassmen items,” like kitchen supplies, at a fraction of their Bed, Bath & Beyond retail price. Plus you get a hearty helping of virtuous feelings. According to a commenter, the sale has been moved until tomorrow. It’ll still be at the […]
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Exciting things happen in this big wide-world, and sometimes they are Columbia related. Bwoglines is a daily compilation of staff favorites and student tips. For this, the first Bwoglines of the year, we present news that didn’t find a place in any post over the Summer. We don’t usually have the attention span to slog […]
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And So Ends NSOP

It’s over! We hope that you freshpeople have enjoyed getting to know Bwog as much as we’ve enjoyed getting to know you. Relive the best of this week’s NSOP coverage: Highlights: Overseen: codewords, totes, parents and more Overheard: the things they said Swag: free things that Bwog found, including slushie cups Photobwogging: orientation in pictures […]
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“SEAS” is no more. It really is “CE” now. After meeting many bright enthusiastic new faces yesterday at the publications meet and greet, we felt a little pang in our hearts when we got home and had a chance to look through some of our sign-up sheet. Guess it’s best to get ’em while they’re still […]
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A group of men dressed in kilts were playing bagpipes outside Engine 47. The music echoed gloriously down the whole block. Bystanders explained they were practicing for the 9/11 anniversary next weekend. We found the whole thing very moving. Definitely worth stopping by.
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The pre-school free food continues! Currently in the lobby of Broadway residence hall there are two large tubs of ice cream along with a couple of smaller Ben & Jerry mini-tubs. Have at it! Update: Apparently there are events in Ruggles and Schapiro as well—three cheers! Happiness via Wikimedia Commons
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Calling all artsy freshpeople and returning students alike! Bwog wants to take a moment to draw your attention to one of our weekly features, Where Art Thou? Every Wednesday, we post a guide to theater and arts happenings in the Columbia community that week. The “Columbia community” doesn’t mean only Morningside Heights—let us know what […]
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The USenate’s Student Affairs Committee (SAC) released a statement yesterday supporting Professor James Valentini’s appointment as Interim Dean. In case you’re a little hazy on your Senate background, the mandate of the SAC is to advise on “matters of University-wide student concerns, and to concerns of students in more than one faculty or school.” Their comment […]
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It’s the inaugural free food post! On this sweltering day, the good people at Hillel invite you to beat the heat, and join them for slushies in the gorgeous Kraft Center on 115th St. between Broadway and Riverside from 1-3pm. Free food neophytes, you can almost survive a whole week at Columbia never paying for […]
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I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
I LOVED THIS PIECE. Sophie Jones just did gods work!!! It was so funny and presented some very vital information (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
This article is so amazing. Thank you for this incredible investigative work. (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
Super informative! (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024

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