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Seniors, you have until 6:00 PM today to trudge up the steps to Low and fill out your degree application.  We’re told you can’t graduate if you don’t visit.  Or, you could fill out a form. Too lazy to make the trip?  Think of it this way: this will probably be the last opportunity you’ll […]
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One of the draws of coming back to school is the Super Fast Internet Connection.  At Columbia, we boast a roughly 10 megabits per second internet connection for both uploading and downloading. Sound like gibberish?  For reference, consider that a typical MP3 (music file) is about 48 megabits in size, so it would take about […]
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Courtesy of the V-Show, in advance of their info session on Saturday. No palm trees this year, but there are cardboard cutouts of James Franco and Prezbo for all your silly picture needs.  Also, if you forgot yesterday, ProjectHealth is still offering free cupcake coupons for old winter coats at the Sundial.
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Spotted by the Package Center:  
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How many cops does it take to arrest fifty-three Bloods? (NYPost) How many cops does it take to arrest the police commissioner? (NY1) How many voters does it take to swing an election? (NYT) How many sonic booms does it take to win a football game? (AP/1010WINS) How many tax dollars does it take to […]
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Ice-T Was Here!

Along with the rest of the cast from Law and Order Special Victims Unit. Amanda Cormier caught Detective Tutuola and Medical Examiner Melinda Warner (Tamara Tunie) walking past 1020 just before noon, perhaps choosing to take their lunch at the Hungarian instead.    More pictures of the pair, the scene of the crime, and what […]
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There isn’t much of it in Morningside, but believe it; there really is food out there for just 1$. We’re not talking candy, fruit, teeny baked goods, or a single piece of popcorn shrimp either. Bwog combed through the dozens of pretenders (including City Room) who claim to possess the ultimate list to bring you […]
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Come one, come all for free cupcakes! Not actually – this only applies to you if you have a ratty, unwanted, or unfashionable coat lying around (which we know you do) and can carry it to the ProjectHealth Coat Drive between today and Saturday (which you probably can). If you do bring over your old […]
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Clear skies on Election Day brought a gleam of hope to the Columbia University College Democrats’ fourth and final day of campaigning for Creigh Deeds in Virginia. Sean Quirk has the last word on the trip.  Disregarding the dismal polls, we awoke at 6:30 A.M., performed our morning kinesthetics, and began our work for the […]
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To Columbians, Election Day means more than the clatter of local politics in Wien. The coming of democracy signals the end of debauchery; Halloween and our four-or-five-day break is over. But why do we break now instead of earlier in the semester like our Columbus-Day-hating brethren? Bwog’s own David Hu looked the gift horse so […]
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The city elections wrapped up with a surprisingly small winning margin for Mike Bloomberg. Democrats took pretty much everything else in the city, while Republicans snagged two gubernatorial seats nationwide. (NY Times) Around 5:30AM yesterday a now identified NYU junior jumped to his death in Bobst Library. The library was reopened and tours resumed around […]
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In the first Security Alert about a robbery in just over a month, a Columbia “affiliate” was robbed while “walking along the foot path on the lower level of Riverside Park adjacent near W. 116th Street.” Two males–one wearing a mask, the other described as Hispanic–approached the affiliate; the male with a mask brandished a […]
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this is such a great article! (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
September 19, 2024
Ngl it's better when the professors don't erase the boards until they have to... it lets you refer back to (read more)
LectureHall Review: Havemeyer 309
September 17, 2024
Absolutely hilarious! (read more)
Investigating The Butler
September 16, 2024

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