A list of things, via letter, that I associate with those who find it okay to eat whole fruit outside of the home.
Pope Francis called Donald Trump a heathen –suggested Trump was un-Christian, due to the presidential candidate’s stance on Mexico, but we’re pretty sure most of Donald’s other opinions are also effed up. (NY Times) Apple is fighting the FBI, and might win. The feds possess a dead terrorist’s encrypted phone that they can’t unlock, and […]
Apple introduced a new iPhone, but it’s actually just an old iPhone that’s a tad more expensive. Because the iPhone 6s features “3D touch technology” and a “better front-facing camera,” you can now buy the antiquated iPhone 6 for just $99. (ABC) In the same vein, Apple also recently released iOS 9, which involves new […]
Yesterday, Apple released the latest iteration, iOS 6, of their immensely popular operating system for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. The flagship feature of the release is a completely re-designed, Apple-developed Maps application, which has already drawn flak from users and experts alike. The fanciest innovation is Flyover, giving you a birds-eye-view of major […]
Apple revealed the new iPhone 5 yesterday and it looks a lot like the iPhone 4. (Reuters) It took Apple three years to figure out a new way to rip off consumers with “EarPods;” in that time, scientists have discovered a new species of monkeys in the DRC in an “exhaustive study.” (Washington Post, CNN) […]
Much to the surprise of local residents, Columbia signed a community agreement regarding Inwood construction. Said residents aren’t too happy—the agreement was finalized without their input. One local questions whether or not Columbia really intends to be a “good neighbor.” Hey! Some of us do make really good banana bread… (Spec) In light of Apple’s […]
Apple released its quarterly profit ($5.99 billion!), and it’s up 95 percent from their year-end quarter profit. This is partially chalked up to the sale of the iPhone 4 through Verizon, which began in February. iPads apparently did not sell as well as predicted, due to a supply constraint. (WSJ) Assemblyman Micah Kellner and State […]
It’s not even a surprise any more: Apple is tightening its control over the content on its shiny, widely purchased devices. (WSJ) It’s also not even a surprise any more: “Mr. Bloomberg now wants to dominate a new sphere.” The Mayor is expanding his already significant wealth and influence by venturing into the world of opinion […]
Fight about cabs no more! (NYT) Apple continues to take over the electronic world. (NY Daily News) The Times reviews Thursday’s concert in honor of Helmut Lachenmann. Coyote Update: violence among canids. (Gothamist)
Welcome to SocketHop, in which we bring you free (but useful) mini-apps and major (but relevant) headlines from the world of technology, hopefully demystifying the subject along the way. Flood our inbox (bwog@columbia.edu) and tell us what you think and what you want to see. Be not afraid of technology! Snazz Up Your Desktop: Exposé […]
Clear sunny days like today make it easy to appreciate fall, a cruel and unpredictable season. Unfortunately days this lovely are few and far between and many of us end up, somewhat unfairly, associating the season with the end of summer blues, midterms, and other decidedly unpleasant things. But Bwog is here to make sure […]
A group of first-years (who have collectively named themselves Floor 7 Productions) recently submitted their short film Waking Up and Other Hardships to Apple’s ’07 Insomnia Festival, in which high school and college student groups create their own three minutes of brilliance in under 24 hours based on a set of pre-listed elements. See if […]
The November issue of the Fed is now online. Save the print copy for appropriate bathroom reading. Hey kids! Let’s make fun of English majors, decades later, in the vain hopes of avoiding their fate! But SEAS kids, not to worry! Steve Wozniak, co-founder of the Apple Computer, speaks out on segway polo, his genius, […]
Go bob for apples and get free cider outside Ferris Booth in Lerner! You have until 2 pm! Bwog asked the bobbers: So, how do you guys feel about germs? “Well, an apple a day keeps the Doctor away, so if you get the apple, you don’t have to worry about germs!” Bwog knows who’d […]
The Inmates Next Door RIP CBGB RIP R.W Apple Don’t let it get to your heads They’re lucky they even have housing!
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025