Bwog editor Anish Bramhandkar notes that Union Theological Seminary is hosting one of TV’s most popular sex crime shows: “There’s a food van/cart there with a sign saying something about serving food to film productions on location, and a bunch of people eating food. A few of them have nametags that say Law & Order […]
Bwog Hollywood Bureau Chief James Downie has the scoop on the trailers currently parked around Union Theological Seminary. The trailers are for a new NBC pilot called Kings, which stars Ian McShane of Deadwood fame. The show’s story is based around that of King David — maybe the producers are brushing up on their theology […]
Spotted heading toward Uris earlier this evening: Jim Cramer, the excitable host of CNBC’s Mad Money. He was alone and talking on his cell phone. “He sounded, well, mad,” reported an eyewitness. The reasons for his campus visit are of course a mystery, though Bwog would like to point out that he has a 17 […]
Several tipsters have sent in sightings of a film crew that’s been causing quite the stir outside the Bon French Cleaners. Bwog Daily Editor Justin Vlasits was on the scene earlier today, and he believes it to be a “low budget action movie.” (Note the old-timey green police car after the jump.) Vlasits also reports […]
Guide to the Weekend Editor and Parliamentary Debate Team member Sara Jane Panfil tells the story of the Team’s recent brush with MTV fame. On November 19th, three members of the Columbia University Parliamentary Debate team will make their MTVu debuts on the Woodie Awards, MTV’s college choice awards. MTV producers decided that they wanted […]
Tipster Marie Whittaker has informed Bwog that Brooke Shields (Princetonian and film star-oft-in-the-nude) was spotted on campus (actually on campus this time) this morning, with kids (and nanny) in tow. As she was walking in a westwardly direction, Bwog concludes that she must have been returning from PrezBo’s mansion. Even he liked The Blue Lagoon.
More news about that Hermione Granger maybe-visit, not that you’ve been anxious about it or anything. Earlier, we had predicted that the next stop on Ms. Granger’s southbound Tour D’Ivy would be the City of New York. One smitten commenter directed our attention to a recent Gawker Stalker sighting of our heroine, which confirmed our […]
Barnard is a “flower garden of women.” Barnard is the former home of the star of Even Stevens who is not Shia LeBeouf. Relive all of Friday’s exciting NROTC details. The 12s are this much closer to CCSC and this much closer to having the power to make decisions that might, in some capacity, affect […]
Remember when hundreds of Upper West Side five-year-olds and their parents stormed Morningside Heights last year in a grand showing of support for reading, cheesy bands and Target? Well, friends, it’s happening again on October 5th and once again you will be able to hear bands, including They Might Be Giants and their child-appropriate repertoire […]
World-renowned Service-enthusiast Usher just walked up the Lerner ramps, right in front of your Bwog editor! He was wearing a scarf and sunglasses and was surrounded by many others wearing sunglasses. He was hurried into the piano lounge, but apparently that was the wrong place to go and he was taken to a second mysterious […]
Several tipsters have pointed us in the direction of this Observer piece, which announces that James Franco, MFA ‘?? will star as Allen Ginsberg, CC ’48, in an upcoming biopic. And while we’re on the topic of Franco (the plaintive soul at right), last night he was spotted studying in Blue Java “with massive hipster […]
Did you know that this very University is the chosen educational institution of many famous people besides Vampire Weekend? It’s true! The New York Daily News and one Perez Hilton-reading commenter (who is probably glad commenting is anonymous) are reporting that ex-model Christy Turlington is enrolled at Columbia to study maternal and child health. Plus, […]
Our friends at Gawker have taken a liking to one special Barnard gal, and her name is Lizzy Fraser. You might have seen her in your 20th century art class, or, failing that, probably at St. A’s. According to the gossip site, she’s one of the “Upper Class of 2008,” specifically in the “New Edies” […]
That celebrity magician guy David Blaine is outside Lerner right now, performing card tricks for adoring masses of 12s (see Blaine — he’s the one directly under the boom — and said adoring masses, below.) If he makes himself levitate or makes the 12s disappear, Bwog will probably go back and snap another picture.
Independent reports and Bwog tipsters have told us (xoxo) that the CW show/fashion plate “Gossip Girl” is currently filming near “Earl Hall.” For those of you hoping to catch some spoilers, the popular show is apparently only filming “exterior shots,” which normally do not include cast members. Still, it could include some B-roll footage of […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025