Morningside Heights crime wave! We heard reports that there was a car crash, and then that there was a shooting last night on 113th Street between 3-5 AM. There was a car crash and an arrest, but no shooting. We just got off the phone with Public Safety, who told us there was an “altercation” […]
A tipster just wrote that he saw 10 cops handcuff a man outside Lerner and take him away. Apparently there were a lot of cops and Public Safety folk around. Bwog was outside Lerner a few minutes later, but found nothing- no cop cars, no Lerner personnel. We’ll update you as soon as we get […]
Yesterday CU Public Safety sent out a security alert that a “University affiliate” had been assaulted at 5:30 AM on Monday morning, during a jog in Riverside Park around 120th Street. Public Safety has not responded to Bwog’s inquiry about the specifics of the incident, but today we learned more from the NY Post. Marisa […]
Early this morning, Bwog received an urgent message: “Chairs Piano Lounge,” wrote the anonymous tipster. “They’re new. They’re now.” Accompanying these cryptic messages were photos of the old beige chairs in undignified stacks by the ramps. This afternoon, Bwog Private Eye Carolyn Ruvkun went to investigate. “Verdict: firm, supportive back. Less butt cushioning,” she wrote […]
Here’s the latest from the NYPD’s Department of Public Information on the shooting that took place Friday night, as Bwog reported: On Saturday 4/24/10 at 0025 hours, police responded to a call of a male shot in front of 357 W118th Street, located within the confines of the 28th Precinct. Upon arrival a M/B/31 was discovered […]
Gothamist Newsmap is reporting that around 1:30am tonight, there was a shooting at W. 118th St. A tipster informs us that the incident happened at 118th and Morningside, and that residents of East Campus could hear it from the dorm. We’ll keep you updated as we learn more. Update, 11:13 a.m.: Bwog has been in […]
We’re used to the occasional mugging by underage punks around campus but March has seen greater than its fair share of crime. Perusing our beloved campus crime blotter, Bwog noted several horrific incidents that happened in the last month. Harassment via mobile devices and Internet-enabled computers is up sharply this month. Five students and faculty […]
People taking cars that don’t belong to them. (NY Daily News) People taking children that don’t belong to them. (Yahoo! News) Strange people doing strange things. (Gothamist) “Jobs and industries of tomorrow taking root beyond our borders.” (NYT) Colors you’ve never heard of before. (Jezebel) Reality stars who just won’t go away. (Entertainment Weekly) Columbia […]
After an attempted robbery at Banco Popular on 111th and Broadway this afternoon, much of the block as been blocked off. We’ll update you as we get more information.
And we’re gonna let you finish, but… New York City has some of the highest unemployment of all time. (NYT) We’ve also got some of the lowest homicide rates of all time. (AP) Columbia’s Joseph Massad has one of the most protested tenures of all time. (Manhattan Institute) The new swine flu nasal spray is […]
Public Safety issued a Security Alert an hour ago that a student was assaulted last night at 119th and Morningside. Three males, described as “18-20” and black, attacked the student from behind, and ran off after he resisted. The trio apparently committed another crime later in Morningside Park. Full description after the jump. – JCD
Photo via Spring is upon us (which does not explain the pumpkin in the picture, but stick with us here), and, hand in hand with the warm and the wet come a New York City tradition: flashers. Yesterday, Barnard Public Safety sent out yet another of its “Crime Alert” bulletins warning students of […]
Feeling broke? Feeling angry? Bwog’s Movie Marathon Man Mark Hay offers up three films about people who have even less money than you do. Mmm…schadenfreude. The Full Monty (1997) The message of director Peter Cattaneo’s film wavers back and forth somewhat between a grim conclusion on the economic plight of the workingman and an uplifting […]
Uh well, yikes: a husband and a wife have been arrested for trying to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from Columbia. John Bzdil III and his wife Heather Brooke Rinehart scammed the University by sending in fake invoices that somehow, in fictitious criminal land, related to the Pediatric Neuroscience department at the Med School, […]
Are you kept up at night by financial fears? Yes…but PrezBo is always there for me with his consoling words. Are you proud to be an American now with an Obama Presidency? Yes…but Obama’s Presidency could be as disastrous as the Trojan War was for the Greeks! Wait, who won that war? Better check Sparknotes… […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025