The Emmy Awards were last night, and while Game of Thrones and SNL took home awards, Lemonade did not, so what’s the point? Regardless, the biggest disappointment of the night was the quality of the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, which sucked according to Gerrick D. Kennedy. (LA Times) Watch Bill De Blasio answer why Citi Bike stations […]
“Me, me, MEEEE!!!” Donald Trump’s granddaughter screams to me from a few feet away. She wants to be swirled around the pool in dizzying circles like the other girl I babysat at the golf club. Which isn’t particularly interesting except in order to get to me she has to break the grasp from two other […]
Pope Francis called Donald Trump a heathen –suggested Trump was un-Christian, due to the presidential candidate’s stance on Mexico, but we’re pretty sure most of Donald’s other opinions are also effed up. (NY Times) Apple is fighting the FBI, and might win. The feds possess a dead terrorist’s encrypted phone that they can’t unlock, and […]
HBO cast a SECOND red priestess for the upcoming season of Game of Thrones. We’re excited, because the last priestess killed a lot of people using unorthodox methods. (Nylon) A woman in Florida glued her eyes shut after mistaking glue for eye drops. Accident, or witchcraft? (Fox) Two shootings occurred at colleges in Arizona and Texas. […]
It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fried. Well, less fried actually, considering the fact that Dunkin’ Donuts is set to close 100 stores across the United States this year. Guess we’ll just have to rely on the hundreds of other coffee locations in New York City for our […]
Perhaps still bitter after a failed presidential campaign, the ever-belligerent Donald Trump decided to pick on Obama for his stance on Iran. Also caught in the crossfire was none other than Prezbo, who was volleyed with such hateful names as “the idiot who runs Columbia University” and “the fool at Columbia.” Bwog recalls its more […]
Bwog Editor Emerita Juli Weiner, now a writer for Vanity Fair, penned this post on Trump’s apparent desire to run for president. And boy was she snarky! That snark garnered a hand-written response from Trump, including an annotated print-out of the piece. So they published it, and it was funny. The real estate tycoon circled […]
Bagels are eight cents more expensive at Nussbaum as of this past weekend. That’s 98 cents a bagel instead of 90 cents. In other news, Marla Maples (who is apparently a real person that used to be married to Donald Trump) was seen at a CC info session on Friday with her teenage daughter, Tiffany […]
This morning, we happened upon a letter that Donald Trump, real estate mega-mogul, wrote to the Eye (!) in response that ten zillion word piece about PrezBo. His letter, a tirade against PrezBo and his real estate choices, included a handwritten note at the bottom: “Bollinger is terrible!” But how could anyone hate El Presidente?! […]
In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024