This egg donor thing sounds a lot harder than it ought to be. HAnSoN!!1!?!?!!1!1111omg News from a neophyte Headwear for the Spence set Beats Turkey In Russia, does Gary Shteyngart read you?
You mean Obama didn’t single-handedly end racism and injustice in America? Michelle…she’s elegant, stylish, and intelligent! 007007007007007007007007 More puppies: the change we need! “But, he’s James Franco. It’s just not a big deal.” Just leave it on the runway, honey.
Since the Eye doesn’t have comment threads, feel free to shout out/nominate/disagree here intead Can we please not hear “Dave Eisenbach” and “sex” in the same sentence ever again Choose-your-own mad libs If all it took was “love and prayer” to make a good omelet… A failure of fairnesss?
Because your Sarah Palin idea has officially jumped the shark (also, yowza–>) Get your black lipstick, it’s time to go Goth-Loli Woe to the theater! You’re showing your age. You are now one degree of removal closer to Tina Fey No love for Martin Sheen
Can you miss the good old days of something you never actually experienced? Everything I know about politics I learned from Stuyvesant High School Why can’t Broadway be just like it used to Wherefore art thou, print media! Catwalk it back to Venus de Milo, she says
SEAS girls, this is your life Gardening: not just for housewives! So this one time, at Space Camp… “Through uncertainty and turmoil, we can at least dress confidently and demonstrate our power through a self-assured silhouette.” Good women drink bad coffee
Anne Hathaway, collegiate role model Let me tell you about the time I got an internship An “interview” with the guy behind an actually really cool blog Stereotypically railing against enforced gender stereotypes “We put not only the lipstick on the pig, but a dress, and we give it a tampon”
Glory be to James! (and gold-medal punnage) “When Marc Jacobs’ superb show moved me to tears, I was reminded of why I really wanted my position.” War, sex, and religion The shame! The indignation! “…creamy cheesecake with a slight tang of goat cheese pervading the sweet, thick texture…a drizzle of caramel with a hint of […]
Look where I was this summer! Some photos of paintings on walls Now a little less than half of life is just showing up First Ladies: the Wardrobe Change We Need! An editors intro about Sept. 11: because nothing else is…
How to lose friends and alienate people Oh Sarah Palin, is there anything to which you are not tangentially relevant? The first of a two-part series on truck-based dessert foods. Reading doesn’t count unless someone sees you doing it. Why try to forget about all the fun stuff you missed out on when you could […]
This Judd Apatow guy is really going places. Frank McCourt and David Sedaris are better writers than Miley Cyrus. Indie rocker identifies with Wes Anderson, likes The Life Aquatic. “Green” is an adjective with a variety of meanings and uses in our language! The Eye encourages you to buy certified organic and fair trade coffee
The Eye maintains that the following things suck: Days on Campus sucks. No, seriously, Days on Campus sucks. And it lies to you. Conspicuous consumption sucks. (Unless it’s a $355 bikini.) Passover does not suck. But Wikipedia … does?
Once again, Columbia monolith vs. Manhattanville individuals: this time, in photos Eye E-I-C overtaken by hostile mononucleosis culture Hungry Jewish students float in an ocean of improperly slaughtered meats At the confluence of storytelling, Africa, rap, and outrage, there lies spoken word No conflict here: bhangra seduces us all Disclaimer: The BwogTM has not endorsed […]
Now what, pray tell, is a “confetti canon”? Sweet Valley High exegesis Campus-themed haiku: Bwog rip off? You know, provocateurs who insist that “gore-porn” is art aren’t really that provocative anymore. Overdosing on analysis, not drugs: yes, that’s what Columbia and Harvard bands do.
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025