Update, 12:33 pm: The event is well underway. There are indeed milk and cookies, but the atmosphere is less than convivial and certainly not conducive to munching. Fifty first-years huddle around a teacher, who said to the silent, scribbling students, “Okay, now construct a thesis to go along with these points.” Bwog knows how this sounds—but […]
Think your first round of midterms is stressful? At least your parents aren’t in town—note the following exchange between a macho-looking father and his Furnaldian son. The dialogue took place in a Furnald hallway, whilst the father pointed toward the dorm’s notorious resident condom bag. Father: So, have you been utilizing these condominiums? Son: Uhh, yeah. […]
It’s been hard to ignore the onslaught of sex-related tips we’ve received lately, so please consider this a PSA: stop being so immature! Seriously, you guys, just cut it out. Because we at Bwog think potty humor, euphemistic headlines, and double-entendre-ridden tags are totally juvenile and not funny. At all. In fact, we didn’t even […]
The following arrangement was spotted in Furnald—which may we puh-lease just emphasize is NOT Carman—this past weekend. We’ve got to hand it to the guy who made this sign: you’ve done excellent work with the shading on the giant arrow. Nothing says “clean up after yourself” like some classic light-to-dark 3D action.
A tipster noticed this fantastic file name sitting at the bottom of the Furnald printer queue. While only slightly more subtle than last time, there is a strong possibility that this is an actual paper. Why didn’t you just name it “AnimalScienceLab.docx” like everyone else?
Pre-frosh! Upon reading this review you will be appraised of 3/4 of your housing options! You’ve already learned your Carman from your John Jay. That’s like first-year housing ABCs! You’ll be ready for May 1st in no time. Now, behold Furnald. It’s a pretty cool, and different, place. Tomorrow we’ll give you a taste of […]
Never fear, Columbians. Dear Bwog has returned once again to help you solve your collegiate quandaries. This week, our favorite “heterosexual male Suzy May” tackles one of the tougher issues of college dating—what to do when the one you “love” is fading you out. Dear Bwog, After what I thought were three successful dates, this guy […]
In which ex-freshman Parker Fishel imparts his first-year dorm wisdom. Carman There is a magnetism about Carman that tends to polarize its residents. There are some that are fiercely loyal to the residence hall, almost to the point of confrontational. They will hear nothing of the overflowing trash bins and it’s resulting stench, nor the […]
A Review Of Upside Pizza
March 11, 2025Columbia Alum And Palestinian Activist Mahmoud Khalil Detained By ICE
March 11, 2025Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025