Senior Staff Writer Jake Torres attended Latenite’s Spring Anthology on Thursday, December 8th at 11 pm in the Lerner Black Box.
Kick off your weekend right by attending the biggest event of the fall semester, Night Market! There will be a variety of performances, such as a cappella, lion dance, sketch comedy, and bhangra. Be sure to stop by Low Plaza at 6 pm to see some amazing talent and grab some grub. night market […]
Tonight may be dreary, but that’s no reason to spend it in your room pining for Thanksgiving Break. Not when some of Columbia’s funniest comedians will be at tonight’s Improvapalooza! To get a taste of the laughs they have in store for us, we asked some of the groups in the show a series of […]
As Valentine’s Day approaches, Columbia celebrates Love in all its shapes and forms. Today, Bwog’s bawdy buffoonery expert Hannah Goldstein reports on Chowdah’s tribute to the all-too-familiar awkward sexual side of Cupid’s holiday in the comedy club’s latest show, Sextravaganza. At least among college students, sex humor never really gets old. (If you don’t agree, […]
Image courtesy of Chowdah Bwog Comic Curmudgeon Jon Hill caught Chowdah’s fifth anniversary last night in Lerner. If you’re reading this now and haven’t seen Chowdah’s fifth anniversary show, you’re unfortunately too late. The show closed Saturday, so given the time constraints, this review won’t be able to convince you whether to buy a ticket. […]
In spite of this busy time of year, Bwog did manage to get away for a few moments and witness Chowdah and Sweeps’ self-proclaimed “Very Special Holiday Special” in Furnald Lounge tonight. Sweeps performed a domino chain of improv skits complete with reference to broken families, broken chia pets, peanut butter blasphemy, and linear references […]
Bwog typically refrains from posting about events unless we’re nepostically promoting our own, but those Klever Klaritin Kids proved themselves worthy. Take your minds off deepening polarization in the academic environment for an hour and indulge in sketch comedy!
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025