It’s that time of year…
If you’re looking for ways to destress during the stressful reading week ahead, check out the many study break events happening around campus!
During the stressful midterms season, sometimes you just need to decompress for a second. If you find yourself overwhelmed, Barnard’s Movement Lab is the place to go.
While the study breaks during reading week are incredibly helpful and supportive, at times they can look similar – many of them featuring some classic variation of cookies and hot chocolate. We here at Bwog want to see some study breaks get weird. Here are our suggestions: 1) Columbia time-management-chart-themed study break. This study break […]
As part of ESC and CCSC’s Lerner Hall Study Hall (apparently they’re fans of redundancy), your buddies over at Bwog are hosting a study break tonight at midnight in the West Ramp Lounge (follow the noise). In addition to the classic foods and things, we’ll have a microphone for you to Air Your Grievances about anything—finals, […]
There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s CCSC to allocate funds ‘n stuff (and Joseph Milholland to tell us all about it). The November 24 2013 CCSC meeting began with the announcement that two Columbia students were out picking up the meeting’s much-hyped Dino BBQ themselves instead of having it delivered […]
Insulting our athletic program: something we’ve never seen before, Harvard! Spectrum rebuts. (The Crimson, Spectrum) Someone is dealing with their finals stress in a more entertaining way, by apparently stealing all the metal objects in the city. (NY Mag) If you need an even better way to deal this week, Columbia professor Dr. Hilda Hutcherson […]
At Midnight Breakfast and Orgo Night, respectively! Despite some date-drama, the pre-finals breakfast will in fact be held tonight, as per tradition. Head over to LeFrak for a superhero-themed meal at 11 pm if you’re a Barnard senior, 11:30 if you’re a Barnard non-senior, and 12 if you’re a pleb. Also tonight: grab a seat […]
Remember when puppies came to Columbia? So does Bwog. Some of Columbia’s more unorthodox study break tactics—including the biannual Primal Scream and therapy dogs bringing furry comfort—were chronicled in a spot on various schools’ stress relief methods. (NYT) In more somber news, be careful with the late-night antics when there’s a 13-minute wait at the […]
It’s finals! You’re hungry. Like, prehistoric hungry. Not sure what that means? Find out at the last Live at Lerner of the semester from 12 to 2 pm in Lerner Piano Lounge. They’ve tricked the place out with—we kid you not—a mashed potato bar. You’ll be able to caveman carbo-load to your heart’s content, without facing […]
Friends, ’tis the season to be seasonal. After taking in yesterday’s picturesque glories, the CC 2013 class council thought they’d keep up the momentum with an autumnal event of their own. They’ll be stationed outside of Butler at 6 pm this evening with plenty of free apple cider to keep you hydrated during your requisite Butler break. Bask […]
Most people like to eat. Most people do not like to spend money (see: free food tips). One such lover of all foods free and monies unspent has made herself known to us, and we harassed her so much that she finally agreed to assess the quality, quantity, and pizazz of free food events around campus. […]
The only way to truly take a study break is to eat some snacks. Consider that you are on your tenth study break and that there are local, farm-fresh, nutritional offerings at your door! HamDel will still be there tomorrow, but not the Farmer’s Market! Out there today: Many succulent representatives from the allium genus: […]
There will be a Slavic Study Break from 6pm to 7pm in the Lerner East Ramp Lounge with free pastries, candy, music, matryoshka dolls and tote bag decorating. The Birch, the Russian International Association, the Ukrainian Students’ Society and the Polish Club will be hosting the event. Update, 7:10: Also, the Student Athletic Advisory Committee and Columbia/Barnard […]
Heads up for some events tonight with free food: From 7:30-9:30pm in 203 Diana Center there will be a screening of My Architect: A Son’s Journey. This film by Nathaniel Kahn is about his travels visiting the architectural works of his father. It won an Academy Award! And there will be free food. From 9-10pm […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
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