Check out Bwog’s take on what the hell people are trying to communicate by strutting around campus wearing non-Columbia merch.
But this time, we’re tied with UChicago, that other college with a core curriculum. Harvard and Princeton are tied for 1st, Yale takes 3rd, and 6th is split between MIT and Stanford. Penn has dropped to 8th; remember when we languished there while they took 4th? Barnard, meanwhile, is back to 28th in the Liberal […]
On Halloween night, in an act that involved the time-honored tradition of firewater-induced mischief, a Harvard Law grad set fire to a chapel that housed the remains of victims of the September 11 attacks. (Gothamist) For the second time in two months, a Yale student has been found dead on campus, this time a 19-year-old […]
Benjamin Franklin once famously said that the only things certain in life are death and taxes (a rather fatalistic saying for someone who got so much tail). In the world of college rankings, one might add, “And Harvard will always be first, and Penn will always be inexplicably overrated.” Yes, it’s this year’s edition of […]
“You’re My Best Friend,” Queen “King of Wishful Thinking,” Go West “Make Your Own Kind of Music,” The Mamas & the Papas “Eye in the Sky,” Alan Parsons Project “My Way,” Frank Sinatra
After PrezBo’s announcement about the state of the endowment, Bwog decided to see how Columbia’s finances are doing relative to other Ivies. The results offer great opportunities for schadenfreude since Columbia’s predicted loss may be the lowest in the League. As posted last night, Columbia has far out-performed Harvard and Yale, which lost 22 percent […]
You know you shouldn’t be in school right now. You should be in transit, breezing through short lines at LaGuardia or strolling through Penn Station, picking up a donut one of the city’s last remaining Krispy Kremes. Or better yet, you should be home, watching TV and making your parents do your laundry. But you […]
Many of you no doubt perked up in late August when the U.S. News & World Report college rankings were released. Others pretended they were too cool for those rankings, and then snuck in a peek anyways. Well, now, the Times of London has released its own rankings, and, unlike the America-only U.S. News rankings, […] has just released a ranking of the best Ivy League Schools in terms of post-Bachelors salaries. Let’s see how Columbia stacked up. Why look, it’s last, dead last. Topping the list is Dartmouth (fraternities), followed by Princeton (eating clubs) and Yale (collective ennui?). As one Bwog staffer points out: “This says a lot […]
So this article has been making the rounds for about a month, but even un-breaking news is sometimes worth a read. Writing in the American Scholar, William Deresiewicz argues that this “elite” education we’re getting actually kind of sucks. Roughly, he posits: the Ivies a) make it impossible for you to talk to people who […]
Gather round Columbia, it’s time to re-welcome IvyGate into our browsers and into our hearts. Naturally, it has returned dressed to the nines, with a new WordPress redesign and fresh-faced summer editors. Bwogger Justin Vlasits favors the mouse over chalk-underlines in the new masthead (see above), while a Yalie friend of Bwog noticed that clicking […]
Even though Bwog has midterms too, it’s still trudging along. No QuickSpec today, but perhaps these Ivy League-related stories will brighten up your stay in Butler. Look on the bright side, Carman may be infested with Natty Ice cans, but at least there’s no scabies. To be fair, professor housing is really nice. Nudity- […]
UChicago: We ain’t divestin’ The Ivies: We ain’t changin’ Fun with Neanderthals and the likes Keeping the protest tradition alive Sometimes guys deal with creepy men too
In the very public Cafe 212: Girl A: Can you even get a urinary tract infection from rough sex? Girl B: I think so, if you don’t clean yourself up afterward. And in Tasti D-Lite, dessert-prime time: Girl C: (said with a certain amount of disgust) She’s going to an Ivy Singles Ball. Girl D: […]
The first Ivy League fees for next year have been set: Princeton has ra ised total fees to $43,980 while keeping tuition at $33,000. Interesting tidbit: currently, Columbia is the most expensive Ivy ($45,444, as your parents likely know), followed by Penn and Harvard. Columbia will announce next year’s tuition in June, last of all the […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025