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Posts Tagged with "housing 2019"

Today marks the Mary-Berry-Jason-Terry-very last day of housing selection. 

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Five-person groups in Barnard’s housing lottery picked today; we bring you the triumphs and tribulations that resulted. While Columbia sophomores scrounged for suites in the John Jay Lounge, groups of Barnard students picked from the comfort of their own laptops in the 5-person lottery. As we mentioned in our post on the senior lottery and 4-person lottery, […]

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The last housing review of the day is the cozy, semi-elusive residential brownstone at 548 W 113th, AKA Symposium because of its proximity to the Greek restaurant. Close to campus but with enough distance to feel a little more ~mature~, Symposium is perfect for any upperclassmen duos with a good lottery number.

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Bwog’s first housing review of the day is a perennial sophomore favorite and junior “ok, I guess” – 600 W. 113th St, or The Building Formerly Known As Nussbaum. Although, now that the titular restaurant is re-opening and re-branding, maybe we should call it…Wu? 

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Juniors and seniors who want their own space, this one’s for you: Watt offers beautiful apartment-style studio singles, studio doubles, and one- or two-bedroom apartments. And all in a prime location!

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To inaugurate the start of housing selection, Bwog presents a brief interview with the group with the highest lottery number for In-Person Selection: 30/8. 

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EC aka the Promised Land. An EC high-rise suite is the cream of the crop for seniors who want to live with their friends with a nice view and don’t mind a little freshman vomit every now and then. 

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Schapiro tends to get overlooked, but its convenient location and decent amenities make it a good option for sophomores scared of McBain and juniors seeking singles. 

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Second on our gorgeous lineup of housing reviews is Broadway Hall, a solid option for upperclassman singles.

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