Miss The 1975 Concert Last Monday? Don’t Worry, Matty Healy Is All Around You. Here are five kids on campus that (probably unintentionally) channel Matty Healy in their everyday lives.
Welcome to Columbia, CC and SEAS Class of 2024!
NSOP is over, which means a lot of upperclassmen have seen freshmen do very ridiculous things! Bwog asked around and compiled a list, so here you go: Throwing a shoe into an EC door to keep it open and check if there was a party (FYI, just ended up being four seniors sitting in their […]
With regular decision results for the class of 2021 being released very soon, we made a bingo board for the things that these prospective students will do and say in the class Facebook group or group chat. Enjoy! bingo board image via https://www.flickr.com/photos/cheryl0920/6015159494
Columbia used to be ball hogs. It’s not that the Men’s Basketball players never passed to each other (they actually did a lot), but the players on the court didn’t like to come off and let the underclassmen have fun. This weekend, the Lions’ head coach made them share, and it paid dividends. In the […]
The balloons are up on the gates, new students have piled into their Carman and John Jay doubles, and the first day of NSOP has already come and gone. While you were busy dodging Housing carts, lost first-years, and hyper OLs, we were tweeting the entire day’s worth of hilarious scenes. Check out all that went […]
We’ve been scouring both Barnard and Columbia campuses this weekend looking for potential homies, but even first-years agree that this year’s batch of prospies looks like they just graduated the eighth grade. However, we know that there is at least one prospie stoner (cough LA kids cough) wandering around MoHi on this rainy Monday afternoon looking for […]
It’s that time of the year again—when high school seniors hear back from our dear University about whether or not they will walk its hallowed halls in the fall. The following statement was released this afternoon. Send condolences or congratulations as needed and try not to dredge up any memories of high school. Total number of […]
You probably thought the admissions cycle was over for the year with the release of decisions way back in March. But students have until May 1 to deposit meaning that high school seniors languishing on the waitlist still don’t know whether they will be a part of the class of 2018. Bwog staff writer Britt […]
Today at 3 pm, officers from Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid gathered on College Walk to send Class of 2018 Regular Decision letters. This year, a total of 32,967 students applied—the third largest pool in Columbia’s history, though 1.5 percent fewer than last year’s. About 10 percent of them (3,298 students) applied early. Columbia admitted 2,291 applicants to CC and SEAS this […]
Welcome Class of 2018! In a fit of procrastination nostalgia, Bwog found ourselves skimming through the “Meet Our Students” sections of the Admissions website and the guidebooks sent with your acceptance letter. Contrary to, perhaps, what you might have been told about the average Columbia student, we don’t all take seven classes, run four clubs, […]
It’s become more impressive to become a Columbia student than ever. According to Admissions, only 6.89% of freshman applicants were admitted to CC and SEAS this year. That’s a record low admissions rate for the University, narrowly edging out the 6.92% admissions rate of two years ago. The University received 33,531 applications—more than last year, […]
It’s official—the sweet ’16ers are here! The international/West-Coast ones, at least… In honor of their arrival, campus is wearing its finest. John Jay got new, temporarily stain-free carpets… until some freshperson vomits on it during NSOP oh wait that’s Carman spills some Massaman sauce from their Wondee delivery whilst making a heated point in a […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025