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As if you don’t love the American Museum of Natural History enough on its own, the 4th Annual AMNH Scavenger Hunt is coming up on Saturday, April 19th. Whether you frequent the museum or haven’t been since FroSci, this is a great chance to visit. To sweeten the deal, everybody gets free cupcakes from the […]
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Only a few Columbians were lucky enough to snag tickets to the Women in the World Summit this weekend, but all of Columbia got called out by former President Jimmy Carter during Friday’s event. The former president discussed many women’s issues, among them the rampant problem of sexual assault, particularly on college campuses. He denounced universities […]
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Job growth remains steady, with employers adding thousands of positions in March. Now if only employers would add thousands of generously paid internships. (USA Today) Columbia’s Earth Observatory predicts more depressing news. At least most of us will be dead by 2100. (Salon) A savvy Scottish teen got hit on by James Franco, and she turned him […]
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Once a year, Speccies dress up like they’re in an episode of Gossip Girl and head to their Annual Awards Dinner. The dinner this year was held in the New York Athletic Club, which is the kind of place where if you enter wearing sneakers you have to take the servant’s elevator. We’ve heard reports […]
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Bwog took a trip to the LLC on the rumor that a simple single had been converted into a castle. And indeed, the rumors were true. As always, if you find a room that you think should be hopped, send it to Rienzi Gokea has a creative soul, but he decided to take the […]
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After a fierce few days of campaigning, riveting debates, and more Facebook notifications than you’d like, student government elections results are in, courtesy of the Columbia Elections Board. Here’s the link to the full elections results with percentages of the vote included. We’ve pasted the winners below. Most notably, TAP won most of the CCSC E-Board, Wadood […]
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This poor girl collapsed on a rather uncomfortable looking bench just inside Pupin’s front doors. The red coat is reminiscent of Little Red Riding Hood, but judging by her head placement she’s going to be out for a while, so Sleeping Beauty is probably a more appropriate analogous fairy tale. Enjoy that bench and get some, […]
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In the ongoing controversy regarding the Barnard College administration’s removal of the banner that SJP hoisted on the façade of Barnard Hall, many student organizations have spoken up in response, including J Street CU, LionPac, SGB, Columbia Turath, SGA, ABC, and now the Governing Board at Barnard. GBB’s statement: The mission of The Governing Board at […]
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Another day, another Game of Thrones character advising you on where to live. Welcome to Day Four of Housing! We’re going to be camped out here all day to give you up-to-date Housing coverage, answers to your questions, and awesome stickers. We’re also probably going to eat a lot of free candy, but that’s besides […]
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These three fine gentlemen were found in Havemeyer professing their words of wisdom through the pages of Columbia history. If you’re worried your senior quote won’t have the wit to stand the test of time, take a lesson from the men who came before you. They could also probably teach you a thing or two […]
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Recently President Obama and BoSox heavy hitter David Ortiz snapped a selfie together in good spirits. However it was then revealed that it was all a ploy by Samsung to get a POTUS selfie taken with their phone. The White House has now openly criticized Samsung for the shameless self-promotion. Who knew a selfie could […]
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Life is hard at Columbia. Which means that everyone here could use a good cry every now and then. But space is at a premium here, which means that finding a quiet spot to emote in peace—much like finding a place to hook up—can be very difficult. Perhaps you a rising sophomore just learning that […]
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Was devastated to miss the game but this coverage makes up for it! Such detailed commentary - I feel like (read more)
Columbia Men’s Soccer Secures Their First Win Of The Season Against Yale
October 11, 2024
Why tf is Shai Davidai allowed to run around terrorizing students? This guy is an embarrassment to the institution. Not (read more)
Protesters Hold October 7 Walkout On Low Steps And Art Installation On Butler Lawns
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I stopped adoring squirrels when I found them eating baby robins (read more)
Hate Letter To The Barnard Hall Squirrel Who Terrorizes Everyone
October 11, 2024

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