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Last night, Miller Theater was transformed yet again into a realm of mystique and wonder, courtesy of PBS, and Bwog’s favorite physicist, Brian Greene. A sizable crowd assembled to watch the premiere of the new NOVA special, The Fabric of the Cosmos, based on Greene’s book of the same title. The real treat, however, was […]
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Attention Columbia detizens of the twittersphere (tweetcosystem?)! Columbia’s Center for Student Advising is currently holding a twitter contest in which students are challenged to summarize their life in six words or less. The winner of the contest, to be selected “randomly from the most creative entries” at noon tomorrow, will nab an iPod shuffle. Submissions so far range […]
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The Greenmarket convenes on Broadway every Thursday and Sunday. Bwog updates you on the highlights of this week’s harvest. Dare to get seasonal. While grape season is over, it’s always wine season. King Ferry Winery will still be serving up local wines this Sunday and next Thursday. Want some cheese with that wine? Millport Dairy brings raw […]
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A group of students assembled on Low steps are currently protesting outside of Michael Bloomberg’s talk “Buisness Innovation and Entrepeneurship: City Strategies Summit with Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.”  The students protesting are loosely affiliated with the General Assembly, which will be meeting at 12:30 pm tomorrow at the Sundial. Video and pictures of the protest, […]
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College students are now borrowing more money than ever before, with average student debt at $25,000. (NPR) In an event of epic proportions, Stephen Mitchell has released a new translation of Homer’s Iliad, but can Mitchell enter the fray with Fagles and Lattimore? (New Yorker) A Carnegie-Mellon student walking through the park at 3 am […]
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Where Art Thou?

So, it snowed. In October. Fearing the winter weather that lies ahead? Let Bwog’s Wednesday feature, Where Art Thou?, warm you up, or just make you “f*cking laugh.” If you want your censorship-themed event listed here, email Wednesday Just F*cking Laugh at Me!, at 9pm in Lerner Black Box today and tomorrow (Thursday). CUPAL […]
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Lost: Brown prescription glasses (near the end of October).  Possibly left in Butler or Hamilton.  Please contact if found.  Reward if returned.
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On Tuesday, Bwog sat down with Bob Vulfov, CC ’13, and Eli Grober, CC ’13, to talk about comedy, blowjobs, and their new show “Just F*cking Laugh At Me!” Here’s an (abridged) transcript of our conversation. Bwog: So why did you decide to write the show? Bob: We wrote the show because we wanted to […]
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Vinny Vidi Vici

Watching Jersey Shore can make you feel like a sociologist studying a foreign world of super tan “juiced” fist-pumpers. Professor Diane Vaughn’s Mistake, Misconduct and Disaster class got to observe the subject up close when one of the show’s stars, Vinny, stopped by earlier today (better or worse than Natalie Portman?). Unfortunately he didn’t talk about […]
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Weatherhead East Asian Institute is hosting their annual photograph exhibition in the Satow Room in Lerner from 5:30 – 7:30 pm, and there will be free refreshments present to aid your photography viewing.  And if you’re really feeling particularly artsy, after getting your fill of East Asian photography, head across the ramps to Lerner 568 for […]
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Today, PrezBo announced the opening of Columbia’s sixth global center in Istanbul—joining the Beijing, Paris, Amman, Mumbai, and the month-old Santiago centers. To kick off the launch, the Columbia Alumni Association is presenting two webcasts of panel discussions coinciding with the launch: “Is the Internet Too Free?” and “Egypt and Turkey: Comparative Perspectives on Democratic Transitions.” The press release makes it […]
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There was a pretty bad smashup at 118th and Broadway, just outside the Barnard gates. Police were on the scene helping the taxi driver out, who was parked in his car when the van behind smashed into it. An ambulance has been called. Purportedly, the white van swerved to avoid a large car making a […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
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Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
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The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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