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A group of parents and Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis are upset that Go Ask Alice has been listed under the recommended resources in a new NYC sex-ed curriculum for fifth and sixth graders. Original, guys. (WashingtonPost, Gothamist) On the other end of the modesty spectrum, a Brooklyn-based performance artist Marni Kotak performed her latest piece yesterday morning: giving […]
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Keep your eyes open for the October issue of The Blue & White, coming soon to campus. Until then, Bwog will honor our heritage/amorous affair with our mother magazine by posting highlights of the upcoming issue online. Among the treats to look forward to: a debate on the merits of Times New Roman, an examination of Columbia’s updated sexual assault policy, and […]
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If the movie title In Search of Good Food accurately reflects your current state of being, you may want to amble over to ADP at 7:30pm for a potluck meal and a screening of the movie (which is about the burgeoning sustainable food movement in California). After the culmination of the search, there will be […]
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Maren Killackey and Sarah Ngu report in on CCSC’s doings Student Services Rep Karishma Habbu continues her mission to better the College’s financial aid advising system. She will be meeting with a financial aid office rep this week to discuss a two-tiered approach to tackling the issue: one involving student feedback and the other student […]
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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh…Who lives by a trash can right next to south field? Apparently, this guy. Who is either the creation of an imaginative procrastinator or an adorable little Nickelodeon fan. We’re not sure how long he can survive without water, so hopefully someone will adopt him soon and give him a cozy submerged fruit to live […]
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Bwog’s resident SGA’er Reneé Kraiem reports not-quite-live-but-chronologically-close from last night’s meeting where talk of liquor and the new enrollment policy ensued. The Council established a task force to respond to student concern regarding the new enrollment policy. They have plans to improve the channels for students to voice their opinions about the announcement and communicate […]
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The NoCo librarians have stuck again! After launching a pun-laden campgain against non-spillproof mugs last week, the intrepid book-minders (there are books in there somewhere, right…?) feel it necessary to now also point out that food is not allowed in the Science and Enginerring Library. Thus, they’ve printed out a picture of a most comely […]
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Sean Zimmermann gives you the scoop from last night’s ESC meeting. Dean Peña-Mora spoke to the council last night in search of student feedback. He first clarified that the Engineering Library in Mudd is not closing. The new Northwest Corner Building library does not have many books (it’s a “library for the 21st century”), but […]
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Steve Jobs instructed the next CEO of Apple to not think “What would Steve Do?” We’re thinking it’s a great time to switch back to PCs. (Bloomberg) People are coming up with stranger and stranger reactions to OWS. MTV has decided to air “True Life: I’m Occuyping Wall Street,” while over on Long Island a […]
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If that sorta appeals to you, stop by the crypt of St. Paul’s Chapel at 9 pm tonight. There will be pitches and assignments for the new issue, and, as always, lots of free self-importance, satire, and food. It’s never too late to start with us, be ye frightened first-years, slumping sophomores, jowled juniors, or […]
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Student leaders and the Office of Student Affairs have coordinated an event this evening to bring the community together to reflect on, and openly discuss, reactions to the death of Tina Bu. Tonight from 7:30-9pm in Earl Hall, you will find representatives from Columbia Psychological Services, the Office of Multicultural Affairs, ResLife, Student Development and […]
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The new issue of The Blue and White will be out in print on campus very soon. Until that glorious day arrives, tide yourself over with a preview of the juicy gossip that awaits you.  Guy walks into class maybe 5 minutes before it starts. Maybe half the people are there, and it’s over at Barnard, so […]
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shoutout GEOLOGYYYY (read more)
Burrito Stratigraphy
October 6, 2024
Great article. I would like to mention that a HAIR (long hair) was found in my Hooda while I was (read more)
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I love you SOFIA!!!!!! youre so talented and the best (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Sofia DeSanto
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Who has classes in Teachers College? (read more)
15 Minutes: A Story Of Trials And Tribulations
October 4, 2024

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