Columbia may not always excel on the playing field, but when it comes to sports of the intellectual variety, we fare rather well. Last week, our Parliamentary Debate Team faced off against Harvard in a public debate hosted by Halogen TV and recapped in the New York Times. Bwog caught up with Columbia’s winning epistemological […]
Interested in celebrating the fall harvest in style, but can’t find a good free-standing structure with a palm-leaf roof nearby? Chabad Lubavitch has conveniently set up a super-mobile sukkah on Broadway between 113th and 114th streets for your religious observance needs. For those unfamiliar with Jewish High Holidays, Sukkot is a weeklong festival commemorating the bounties of […]
Your Butler: the fluted columns, the intellectual legacy, the perfect study spot. Unfortunately that serial sniffler surrounded by a fortress of textbooks thinks so too. The Panopticonesque 209 is for people who want to be seen studying, not actually get any work done. But Butler’s just so purdy, you say. Excuses, excuses. Aesthetics certainly don’t make […]
In fact, our campus can be very confusing—especially when its late Saturday night. Send your overheards to Girl, pointing at Lerner: “That’s the student-ish center thing, whatever.” Curious passerby: ”What are all these red flags for? Is there a massive capture the flag game going on?” Escher via Wikipedia
Homecoming, fondly referred to as Christmas in some circles, is an intoxicating occasion in which students, parents, and alumni alike play out their state school fantasies by engaging in heavy drinking and casual spectating. This year was no exception. Columbia fans didn’t let the construction at Baker Athletic Complex tarnish their school (read: drinking) spirit. […]
Occupy Wall Street has now grown to include protests in over 900 cities. Looks like New York, as always, is a trend-setting powerhouse. (Salon) Remember when the world was supposed to end last spring? Well it’s gonna happen again on Oct. 21st. Minus many strident, and now bankrupt, supporters. (Huff Po) You just got another […]
You may have seen it in the news yesterday morning, but we just wanted to make sure you were aware that Columbia’s endowment is flush with hard-earned and successfully-invested dollars. $7.8 billion of them in fact, (you might be interested to know that the cost of Manhattanville was pegged at $7 billion). Think about all […]
A tipster sent in this somewhat Monet-esque picture of the Man himself carb-ing up in the snack tent before the big game. UPDATE: Thanks to Kylie Rogers, also spotted was Ke$ho snacking on some popcorn while posing for pictures with students. UPDATE: Mailing Wu snapped a picture of PrezBo posing with some students in a […]
After many grueling hours of speculation in the lab, Bwog has decided that this QR code we spotted will take you one of three places: 1) A treasure map leading to a hidden plate of really moist muffins 2) A porn site 3) The AEPi homecoming party this Saturday Are you daring enough to find […]
Dark blue sweater with Columbia E.L.P. written on front and Trujillo 14 written on back. Last seen Friday, October 14th at 7 p.m., in front of the piano lounge of Lerner Hall. If found, please contact
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In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024