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Some things sound really strange out of context, others are just strange. Bwog wonders if a little background info would make following verbal vapors smell a little less funky. Two girls chatting outside: Girl 1: Now would you be embarrassed or angry? Girl 2: *hesitates* I would be… uncomfortable. Girl 1: Out of embarrassment? Or like, “bitch you […]
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CCSC convened. Bwog’s Brian Wagner survived to bring you this harrowing account: DON’T FORGET TO VOTE! Quick hits: All the candidates for next year attended; College Days is coming up; prepare your coin purses, because Penny Wars is on the horizon; a committee on the Student Council elections process is being formed to review electoral policy, rules, […]
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Prospies currently attempting to get a perspective into life at Columbia may be flustered as their peers rattle the names of their other college acceptances. But remember—it’s all about perspective. The salutatorian of Bronx Science got into six Ivies and is “just trying to refrain from any hubris,” but an acceptance to Columbia is still an […]
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The Election Board just announced that Elizabeth Kipp-Giusti, UniteCU’s VP Policy candidate, dropped out of the campaign. According to Spec, UniteCU will continue to run as a four-person party without EKG. Recently, Green Umbrella, the sustainability group on which she serves as a board member, endorsed BetterCU. Kipp-Giusti cites “personal reasons” for her resignation. Bwog […]
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Last night, Peter Sterne, Bwog’s resident expert on theatrical representations of philosophical imprisonment, visited the Glicker-Milstein blackbox theatre for the the Columbia University Players production of The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail. The CU Players production of “The Night Thoreau Spent In Jail” (written by Edward Lee and Jerome Lawrence, directed by Cody Haefner, CC […]
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Not all of those fresh-faced idealists wandering Lerner are prospies. Some of them are running for CCSC! Here’s a handy guide to where they’re going head to head: 4pm in Party Space — 2014 Class Council 4:45pm in Party Space — 2013 Class Council 5:30pm in Party Space — University Senate 6:15pm in Party Space […]
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Tonight, We Meet!

Dear friends & prospies, First of all, why are you reading this if you are a prospie? Go to John Jay and enjoy some of the best food you’ll have there ever, except for that one time when they decorated the place. Secondly, if you don’t wanna do that, come to tonight’s Bwog meeting! We’re […]
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Bwog thanks Broadway Presbyterian Church for affording us the highly-prized opportunity of making Monty Python references.
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Bwog’s resident Star Gazer Zach Kagan writes in with tidbits of information from Hugh Crowl‘s lecture, “When Bad Things Happen to Good Galaxies,” on doom and gloom for major galaxies. Behold the cosmic drama! The Audience at the most recent Public Lecture and Stargazing, held in the bowels of Pupin (correctly pronounced “pew-PEEN”) Hall, spanned […]
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The muggle equivalent of Muggle Studies/LARPers, take note Anthropology V3949  SORCERY AND MAGIC CLEN W4721x: Magic, Carnival, Sacrament and Other Theatrical Illusions: European Renaissance and Baroque Drama and Spectacle Clever word play? Planning A6233: CROWD SOURCED CITY Anthropology V3893 THE BOMB Architecture A4028: BUILDING NEW YORK Comment if the last few weeks’ stress made you think of John Jay Hall, […]
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Hopa! Spirit springs to life today. Barnard’s Greek Games are here at last. Open to all years and schools, the Games will see strong, beautiful women striving before the gods until Tuesday. Events range from ancient–the gymnasia (traditional discus throwing)–to the seventies–toga tie dye. Check out more Facebook event details here. Tonight’s events are as follows: […]
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Contains ID Card and Keys Lost around the 116th gates on the Amsterdam side, or Baker Athletics Complex. If found, please contact Monetary reward will be given!
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Protest On 113th

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The Dog Days

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I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
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