With big Bose headphones. Responds to either “ANGELATRON” or “Christina’s iPod,” I forget which… Left in Schermerhorn, Philosophy, or Hamilton on Monday 1/31. If found, please contact afr2121@columbia.edu.
Ever since the monster slush attack last week landed Diana Clarke on her ass, she has been done with winter. Not even her trendy Bean Boots and City Bakery’s What Would Faulkner Drink? hot chocolate could save her. Today decides her fate: thousands of years of ritual shall determine whether she may or may not face […]
In what is certainly not the first time fashion has endeavored to come to Columbia, Ann Taylor is seeking five Columbia students–it must be five–to model online and also to “provide female college/graduate students with fashion advice and career inspiration.” Sounds like one stop shopping to Bwog. Ladies of New York, Ann Taylor will furnish […]
This strange crate-box-plywood container sat on the Mudd 8 with an onerous warning affixed: DANGER ASBESTOS. Just, like, hold your breath or something while you walk by. Isn’t asbestos bad for you? And didn’t scientists figure that out? Let’s just hope they’re talking about asbestos removal. Once this thing is out of the hallway we […]
Alas, fellow Columbians, our wintry fun is fading before your eyes. Here in front of Dodge, see the physical manifestations of innocent fun disappear. It’s a literary symbol, or something. Photo by AB
FYI Columbia: the promise of wireless rooms may come to fruition–but not without a caveat. Today from 10am to 2pm, CUIT will stop by EC, Harmony, Shapiro and 47 Claremont to review the buildings for potential wireless installations over the summer. An email from CUIT includes this cryptic message: “Also please be aware that there […]
According to Columbia News’ Weather-Related Update–O, that we could aspire to such truly topical titles–there will be class tomorrow, but some a lot of gates will be closed, and we should be careful because there will be “a light coating of ice.” Police are on the hunt for two campus criminals: the wall- scaling spiderman […]
How does place of origin affect chocolate? Is chocolate from Madagascar better than Ecuadorian chocolate? Are you a dark chocolate person? Can you stomach a 100% bar? Even if discourses on chocolate aren’t your thing, eating it has to be. Make your way down to Lerner East Lounge between 9 and 10 pm tonight for […]
For some coffee is merely caffeine fuel, for others it’s an art form. Critic Jason Bell, of last year’s famed food feud, investigates… As two employees fiddle with an iPad, unsuccessfully attempting to ring up an order, a third grinds coffee beans in slow motion, chatting with her friends. At Columbia’s outpost of Joe, getting […]
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Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025