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Hillel Raises the Bar

Hillel, Rennert, 606 W. 115th St. (Right Across from Schapiro) Featuring music, friends, fun and food: Salad Bar Sandwich Bar Pasta Bar Ice Cream Bar Mocktails Bar Plus a super special GIVEAWAY… A great night you won’t want to miss! PRICE: CUID $5 ADVANCE, $10 AT DOOR NON-CUID $10 ADVANCE, $15 AT DOOR Location: […]
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The days of ramen and peanut butter may finally be over, friends! Or at least they will be next year when Nom^3 gets off the ground. Bwog’s Friend of the Foodies Mark Hay sat down with the Nom^3 team to hear about our coming culinary salvation. For the past semester, Dehui “Jordan” Kong, CC’11, has […]
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LateNight Theater doesn’t joke around. While the rest of you were either studying or holding fast to the fleeting spirit of youth, they put on a serious series of comedies starting at 11 pm. Bwog’s Senior Insomniac Megan McGregor reports from last night’s hilarious and eclectic performance. LateNite Theatre’s Spring 2010 Anthology opened Thursday night […]
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At long last, Housing has posted the appointment times for general selection. The times can be accessed in order of UNI and appointment time. The appointment slots run from 9:30 AM on Tuesday to just after 5 PM next Wednesday, April 28th. Selection takes place entirely online. Bwog wishes General Selectors the best of luck […]
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SGA Elections Results Are In

Lara Avsar is your new SGA President, and Reni Calister is Senior Class President. Congratulations to all! President SGA: Lara Avsar Vice President, Bridgit Donnelly Vice President, Student Activities: Megan Shannon Vice President, Communications:  Diana Rastegayeva Vice President, Finance: Priyata Patel Jr.Representative to the Board of Trustees: Maddie Provo University Senator: Sara Snedeker Community Affairs […]
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Cooking with Bwog 2.0 rolls on with another pair of scrumptious recipes from our good friends at the Culinary Club. This week we’ve got a great ironically vegetarian salad and a chocolate-curry milkshake for those fearless eaters out there, along with a full slate of foodie events (including an ice cream event at NYU’s Chemistry […]
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Last night, the annual Take Back The Night march, demonstrating against sexual violence and raising awareness of the oft-neglected or trivialized issue, wound its way through Morningside Heights for the 22nd time. Bwog’s Mark Hay was on the streets following the march step by step throughout the night. Rolling out from the Barnard Gates at […]
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Tipsters tell us there’s a free barbecue on the Schapiro patio (behind the security desk) from 5:30 to 7:30 for “Schapiro residents and friends.” Food hasn’t been specified, but is reportedly plentiful. Bwog bets that it will probably include hamburgers and hot dogs though. Activities will include jump rope, sidewalk chalk, and Skeeball. ’90s music […]
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Last night curious students packed into Lerner Cinema to see Princeton professor and celebrity Cornel West talk on “how we can engage in activism that is characterized by faith, perseverance, courage and hope” in Haiti. Bwog’s Semi-Secretly Christian Organizations correspondent Derek Huang reports that students got more consideration of spirituality than of Port-au-Prince. In a […]
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Bwoglines: Secrets

The B-School admissions office answers U.S. News’s questions, unintentionally letting the entire world know how to get in. (U.S. News) University researchers find a link between a healthy diet and a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. (CBS News) More research finds a gene that causes the growth of “peach fuzz hair”. (Business Week) Local New […]
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ESC Secretary Heidi Ahmed has just informed Bwog of the results of this year’s new engineering student council. Congratulations, friends! Class of 2011 President–Amanda Tan Vice President–Eric Hirani Class Representative–Alice Hu Class Representative–Albert Miller Class of 2012 President–Judy Kim Vice President–Mailing Wu Class Representative–Spencer Almen Class Representative–Nate Levick Class of 2013 President–Mary Byers Vice President–Shudipto […]
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The IEEE and the Ferris Reel Film Society are co-hosting a screening of District 9 in Lerner cinema at 10 PM, preceded by free pizza, subs and free IEEE t-shirts, bags, electronics and more EE things at 9:15 PM in the piano lounge. The movie’s free if you’re an EE student. If not, you’ll have […]
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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
Gavin McInnes, Founder Of The Proud Boys, Seen On Columbia’s Campus On Wednesday
May 30, 2024
She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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