Housing registration for Columbia and SEAS students for the 2019-2020 school year closes this Thursday, March 7th. Lottery numbers for each registered group will be available on March 26th, post-spring break. Confused about how it all works? Internal Editor Zoe Sottile breaks it down.
Zӧe Sottile is Bwog’s internal editor and also a full-sized human woman! At this point, she is considering asking for recommendations from Tinder matches.
This afternoon we received an email from a self-titled “rapidly crusting alum,” who has imparted some special words of counsel. With a full Spring semester ahead, we share this timely letter. To: tips@bwog.com From: Anonymous Subject: Crusty alum advice Hi Bwog, I am a rapidly-crusting alum writing you from the office. And at the start of this spring […]
More advice from old-school Blue & White! Listen and learn! Stop drop and roll! Take Art and Music Hum as soon as possible. The further in debt this top-notch education puts you, the more difficult it will be to sit through hours of bull. The topical discussions will rarely satisfy the interested student. That leaves […]
In October 2003 (before Bwog was even a word!), The Blue & White made a long list of advice for freshmen. We’ll give you slices of that advice every morning of NSOP, so you can start your day with confidence and finesse and one of those good chocolate chip muffins from John Jay, plus hash […]
Pretty soon (August 30th doth approach!) dozens upon hundreds of fresh-things will run around campus screaming and sitting outside Carman just waiting for something, anything to happen. We want to help them out. We’re reviving an old Bwog tradition and sharing stories of our first nights at college (if you did something funny or sad […]
After a few days on campus, most first-years are getting sick of grassy lawns and brick buildings, not to mention Carman cinderblock. They’re ready to venture out into the city they know is waiting for them – or at least down to 110th and Broadway. The third installment of O-Bwog ‘09’s advice series suggests how […]
The leaning tower of Lit Hum boxes has arrived! A word of advice to 2013: first-years who actually buy these books new are fools. Go for many, many sources of used books, and thank us later – that is, unless the increased demand inflates prices, in which case 2012 can thank us instead. We’re flexible. […]
Free TimesSelect is here with the wave of your Columbia/Barnard email address. And although you have to give your CU email to the Times, (and to all your professors and Michelle Diamond and Lee Bollinger and Austin [!] Quigley), that doesn’t mean you have to deal with CubMail, Columbia’s the homage to 2002’s latest technologies. […]
For all you prefrosh across America (don’t worry, you won’t actually be called a “frosh” when you get there), the time is coming to decide for college – in fact, you have less than a week left. To help you decide in a very unhelpful way (you’ll never know for sure anyway), Bwog has compiled […]
An anonymous tipster reports everyone’s favorite FYSAAC adviser Jay Orenduff is giving out Christmas lottery tickets to students who come by to see him. Maybe you’ll strike it big — the odds are you’ll win the jackpot before you get into that senior seminar.
Overseas Bwog correspondent Nick Frisch found this gem of a translation in People’s Square, Shanghai, China. Quoth the adventurer: “Want to make a lot of money in China? Forget econ; just major in English.”
Major Declaration time is here! And earlier this week, the B&W posted its first ever “Disillusioned Majors Guide,” advising students to avoid History, Classics, Comp. Lit, and nearly everything else. There is only one proper recourse for the liberal arts major: don’t major in anything. At all. (Note: This was not included in the upcoming […]
Bwog, So suppose someone has left you candies and such on your door for Christmas, Valentines, etc. Problem is, you don’t know who this person is, and you have a strong suspicion that the candies aren’t actually intended for you, but someone else with a very very similar name. What should you do? ~Anonymously Confused […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025