You may recognize our former Internal Editor Vivian from PresBei’s Instagram story, but we know her for her themed social events and excellent conflict resolution skills.
When you’re a college student, free stuff is always appreciated, especially when it’s time to celebrate!
Applications are due at 11:59 pm tonight for Daily Editor and Staff Writer positions.
Diana Center Café aficionados Eliza Staples and Vivian Zhou delve deep on their opinions of Bubly sparkling water. If you have any issues with these rankings, you’re wrong.
Internal Editor slaved away for two days trying to put this cake together! She has newfound respect for bakers and the beautifully decorated cakes she sees on her Instagram or TikTok feed. One of my favorite things to do in the world is watch videos of people decorating cakes. That’s why I like watching the […]
Gyms closed. Can’t go outside. A sudden obsession with baking and cooking. Are you feeling a little plump? We here at Bwog can help.
Internal Editor Vivian Zhou wonders why she hasn’t written more CWB posts. Here she is with her favorite: tacos & tequila!
Internal Editor and self-proclaimed food Bwogger Vivian Zhou is here to bring you a little sneak peek of the new Morningside Heights Dos Toros before the Grand Opening on Wednesday, February 12th. This post is not sponsored by Dos Toros (though we wish it was).
Internal Editor Vivian Zhou is tentatively starting a new column called Diana Bowl Reviews, which reviews the Student’s Choice bowls in Diana.
If you’re reading this, it’s probably because this has already happened to you. Statistically, 99.9% of students have had this happen to them. I don’t know what it is with Barnard/Columbia students that makes them so obnoxiously self-absorbed that they literally will invade your personal space just to fucking fix their hair in class.
Sorry guys, I’m a little rusty on the daily thing. Happening in the World: As the coronavirus continues to spread, killing 106 people and infecting over 4000, the CDC advises against travelling to China. Previously, the CDC warned against travelling to Wuhan, but now has expanded the warning to the entire country. Happening in the US: Chipotle […]
Hope your first hump day of the school year goes smoothly!
See you later, Columbia. Goodbye, Fall 2019. It’s been rough but we’d like to thank our old board, our new board, our editors, our staffers, and of course our readers: you.
It’s every kid’s dream to have an advent calendar. Well, at least it’s Internal Editor Vivian Zhou’s favorite part of December.
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025