Good news! Human interaction with your professors is now totally unnecessary, if you’re in CC or GS (SIPA too, but who cares?). The initiative to modernize the scheduling system continues with this update from the Registrar and CUIT. Now if you want to add or drop a class that requires instructor permission, starting February 3rd […]
In an e-mail sent out earlier this afternoon, CUIT’s LionMail team informs you that they have their grubby hands on your data and they’re doing some fancy new-fangled shuffling—but don’t worry, they’ll be gentle: Dear Undergraduate Student, We hope you are excited about your upcoming move to LionMail @ Columbia. On July 31 you will be start to […]
Update, 4 pm: Spec’s EIC and Managing Editor have posted a statement addressing the disconnect between the information in their story “CUCR plans to invite Ahmadinejad to campus” and the response from CUCR. They write, “Before we included that information, [CUCR] group leadership said that the documents were authentic, though the intention behind their statements […]
You may remember that Columbia is one of the participants in Mayor Bloomberg’s much-publicized competition for the construction of a new science and engineering campus (or two!) somewhere within New York. According to DNA info, Bloomberg recently hinted that of the original seven applications, four have made it past the first cut—though he quickly and mysteriously […]
In honor of the newly appointed Du Family Professor of Chinese Culture, Wei Shang, a reception and faculty panel discussion was held Monday night in the lovely Casa Italiana. Global canapés expert Olivia Mann stopped by for the shrimp and cultural discourse. The night kicked off with Professor Shang asking several faculty members to present […]
The West Way Café has transformed. The diner isn’t open yet, but it’s not clear what we should expect. The only culinary feature of note in Manchester, England, is its Curry Mile, but this Manchester’s decor doesn’t hint at any South Asian flavors… One could also entertain hopes of a budget-friendly eatery, given that Manchester, […]
Poems. Essays. Witty one-liners. Witty one-worders. You spend hours and hours (okay, minutes and minutes) crafting brilliant responses to our posts, and we’re sorry your efforts have gone unnoticed recently. We’ve had some technical glitches with our Favorite Comments system, but through the magic of “CS majors” they’ve been fixed. Finals are coming up soon, […]
Columbia just never seems to be satisfied with their Web presence. The SEAS site recently got refreshed— by our count the fourth redesign of this year. (For those keeping score, first came Cubmail, followed by the main page, and then Barnard.) Talk about vanity/ vigilance! The SEAS site was actually revamped just 18 months ago. In this […]
Obama’s new budget: Conservatives don’t like it, Liberals like it kind of. (NYT) Berlusconi, Italian PM, charged with paying for sex with a minor. (BBC) Having finally gotten over Pluto’s relegation, scientists are now arguing for Tyche to be given planet status. (HuffPo) Despite Bloomberg’s calorie counting initiatives, we still eat junk food. (CityRoom) Iran […]
These times, they are a-changin’ in the tiniest of tiny ways. Don’t worry if you might’ve missed anything—Bwog pays attention so that you don’t have to! This week, it looks like the fine establishments of Morningside Heights want to make your life just a little bit better, one sandwich, stuffed animal, and “free” coffee at […]
Aw shucks, there’s new scaffolding between Broadway and Riverside. But Bwog’s feeling good today. Sure, scaffolding is unattractive, but if it were painted orange and had cascading sheets, we could have a world famous art installation right here in Morningside. So as you descend 115th St., just imagine you’re walking under glorious silver arches.
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025