Due to the interruption of Core classes by the SWC-UAW strike, Literature Humanities sections will now require additional instruction and coursework, to be completed by January 31, 2022.
The truths expressed below are universally acknowledged.
Get a name change without taking the 1 to civil court.
It’s a simple ask, really. Sorry not sorry, A names.
In the following academic year, CourseWorks will switch from using Sakai (the CourseWorks we all know and sometimes-not-really love) to Canvas, a learning management system created by Instructure. Some classes have already made the switch, providing students with a glimpse of what is yet to come. While the site itself is pretty, the impending future […]
Because it’s that magical time of the year when Bwog wants to make sure we know at least one kid in our massive Russian lit lecture (what? Don’t hate on Tolstoy), we sent Features Editor Alexander Pines to CourseWorks-land in order to find out why your roster page likely has nothing but grey faces. Here’s […]
Whether today is your ticket to freedom or the beginning of a new wave of finals, Bwog invites you to hop in bed with us for a few minutes before you start your Monday. Oh, you thought we meant that in a sexual way? Get your mind out of the gutter. This is about cuddling […]
The next Mark Zuckerberg works in CUIT, and he’s created a social network exclusively for Columbia students. This isn’t your grandmother’s Courseworks, with its “graphical log-in.” This is a cutting-edge social network. Every Columbia student now has a profile (just click on “Profile” under “My Workspace”). Here, you can list “Personal Information” (favorite TV shows, […]
If websites were small children, CourseWorks (or, more aptly, CourseWorks’ mom) would be hosting one epic pizza party. Sadly, no website lives forever, and now with a full decade under its belt, Coursework’s newest incarnation is retiring its predecessor. Over 1,200 courses currently use the new CourseWorks, and all University classes will transition by Spring 2013. […]
If you’ve been having trouble loading a page or three, you’re not alone as it seems that Columbia’s internet is down just about everywhere. Which, of course, makes us wonder how you’re reading this in the first place… (Yeah, yeah, smart phones—we know.) No updates yet on the situation, but you can check for the latest […]
Columbia is no stranger to website redesigns, but here comes an overhaul that will actually matter. As CUIT so eloquently phrases it on the CourseWorks home page, this fall “CourseWorks Begins Transition to New CourseWorks.” The current CourseWorks is based on the Prometheus course management system and has been around since 2001—to put that in […]
CCSC holds weekly meetings. Brian Wagner attended one of them last night. This is what he saw. The meeting opened with a discussion of a new committee. Bureaucracy! The special committee would tackle co-sponsorship requests. At present, groups requesting co-sponsorships from the different student councils schlep to four different meetings to present their case. If a new committee […]
FYI from CUIT: According to a message posted on the homepage, Courseworks will be down from 8 PM to 12 AM tonight. Worry not, friends! The IT powers that be say Courseworks is “working well,” but just needs some tweaking to “increase performance.” So download that assignment now! No need to wait ’til ten o’clock […]
No, it’s not just Butler Wi-Fi… Courseworks is down! According to CUIT, they’re doing “emergency work,” but everything will be back to normal at 11pm. So hurry, that’s about 22.5 more music videos you can watch guilt-free! Update, 12:36 AM: Relax and go back to work! Courseworks is back up.
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025