Bwog does not endorse underage drinking, nor do we endorse drinking without style.
At a university like Columbia, where everyone is constantly under heavy academic pressure, many students choose to imbibe copious quantities of alcohol in order to chill out a little bit. Bwog Staff Writer Gabrielle Kloppers investigates the volumes involved, using a thoroughly scientific method. First of all, we need to separate Columbia Students into categories, […]
CC senior William Maxfield, along with fellow CC seniors Jordan Kalms and Luke Mones, directed the following short film last semester. According to Maxfield, the film hasn’t been released publicly but has been “getting attention from filmmakers and critics,” and it’s been submitted to some film festivals. Anyway, Bwog chuckled, LOL’d, and maybe even ROFL’d […]
Bwog has obtained a memo sent from M. Dianne Murphy, the director of Athletics, to the head coaches of Columbia’s sports teams. In the memo, Murphy explains that someone sent her an anonymous email (and we thought we were the only ones getting anonymous tips) with photos of Columbia athletes “engaging in inappropriate activities” (i.e. […]
A sign has appeared in Uris warning rowdy B-schoolers to keep it outside. Bwog was wondering why a similar sign didn’t exist in Butler, until we realized the obvious (and sad) answer. When you go to a school that treats its students to a kegger, you need to make sure that the library is an alcohol-free zone. When […]
Science is back! Bwog’s resident test tube aficionado Zach Kagan reports. After an exhaustive series of tests at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, Scientists have ruled out all possible masses for the elusive Higgs Boson between 145 and 466 GeV with 95% certainty. Professor Peter Woit vented his frustration, saying “a malicious deity has carefully chosen the Higgs […]
What do ping pong balls, alcoholic beverages, and condoms have in common? I’m sure a first year Carmanite can tell you—and now Duane Reade is using strategic (read: subliminal) marketing to save everyone a bit of time. [West Side Rag] Apologies to all lovers of anarchy, protests on Wall Street, and V for Vendetta; according to a law from 1845, […]
In preparation for the storming of NYU, a few Bwog editors and other interested parties will be gathering tonight at La Negrita on 109th and Columbus to sharpen our skills before going big time. Trivia goes from 8:00 – 10:00 with a two-drink minimum. Swing by at around 7:45 if you want to get in […]
With Mona and Roadhouse closed down, the Morningside bar scene just got a little thinner. But there’s still stuff out there (MOST OF ALL THE WEST END [a.k.a. “Havana Central”] WHERE YOU’RE COMING FOR THE BWOG PARTY TONIGHT) and we thought it was time to re-run Addison Anderson’s gargantuan bar crawl from our Orientation 2006 […]
Fireside Chat With Dr. Anthony Fauci On Public Health And Pandemics
February 11, 2025Speak Now: Joan Jonas
February 10, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
February 8, 2025Marginalia: The Bibles Of Butler
February 8, 2025