Bwogline: Golden Globe nominations were announced early Monday morning, with La La Land and Moonlight earning the most. American Crime Story: The People vs. O.J. Simpson and Stranger Things were among the big TV nominees. The ceremony, which will be hosted by Jimmy Fallon, will take place on January 8th. (Hollywood Reporter) Study Tip: Instead of memorizing the […]
In this week’s Whine & Cheez, Bwog reviews one of the most aptly named bottles for this holiday season. Family Time Is Hard, a new Pinot Grigio from The Fat Jew, is delicious enough to block out your Trump-loving family. When the going gets tough, the wine starts flowing. Pinot Grigio, a light and crispy wine, may […]
An LA resident is leading a lawsuit against Chipotle for feeling “excessively full” and realizing “that the burrito couldn’t have been just 300 calories”, the new chorizo one that is. Who would have guessed that packing chicken, pork, sausage rice, beans, and cheese into a tortilla would be so filling? (USA Today) Anna Farris may […]
This week’s Whine & Cheez reviews Josh Ostrovsky’s, or as he is better known on Instagram as The Fat Jew, debut wine label. Since White Girl Rosé’s debut in the summer of 2015, The Fat Jew has issued a sparkling Rosé called BABE, which is Oprah’s personal favorite, and Family Time Is Hard, a Pinot Grigio delicious […]
Last night, students gathered in Dodge Fitness Center to protest a culture of intolerance as represented in the wrestling GroupMe. Students held up print outs of the messages and stood silently along the walls of Dodge from 8:30-10. At 10, they moved the protest to Low. Merriam Webster has reported that their most looked up […]
In this week’s installment of Wine & Cheez, it’s time for a selection that is heavier to warm you up during the colder weather. As we approach yet another break and reel from recent developments, Yellow Tail’s Chardonnay is the best way to get some premature R&R and decompress. Chardonnay, a full-bodied white, is fairly heavy […]
Of the many Holidays in the Gregorian calendar, none gets the short end of the stick more than Thanksgiving. Wedged between Halloween and Christmas, this cause for celebration exists between when rotting Jack O’ Lanterns are thrown out and when pine trees are strung with lights. This year, Bwog daily Leo Bevilacqua wants more Thanksgiving spirit. Despite Thanksgiving’s sordid […]
Not going home for Fall Break? Don’t fret. Bwog is here with some suggestions for you and your friends. Time to leave the MoHi bubble, maybe? Who says a staycation can’t be fun? You don’t need to leave the city for a taste of the outside world. Strengthen your New York identity and explore all the city has to […]
Metta World Peace, NBA Star, claims ghosts touched him inappropriately in his hotel room in Oklahoma City. World Peace remarked, “I’m taking one of the ghosts to court for touching me in the wrong places.” (Huffington Post) Scientists have found a hidden lake at the bottom of the gulf of Mexico. Apparently everyone and everything that […]
In the latest installment of Wine & Cheez, Bwog takes you through the aisles of International to pick out the greatest finds. This week’s pick, Bartenura’s Moscato, will not disappoint with its lingering fruity aftertaste and beautiful, blue bottle. Kosher never tasted so good. L’Chaim! Who has time for a cheese tasting during midterms? Better to cool off […]
Leo Bevilacqua recounts a true bizarre happening that occurred between the hours of 6 and 7 in the morning last Tuesday, not far from 116th and Broadway. Heading to an early morning class at Equinox, I left McBain sometime around 6:30 AM. It was a chilly morning, and I was bundled in a warm pullover. Particularly […]
On the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Ricky Gervais, participating in a game forcing all participants to answer random questions from audience members, overshared when faced with a question pertaining to what it was like getting older. I think discussing your ‘pendulous testicles’ was a little much, Ricky. (Yahoo) In other news, Apple Watch sales have […]
Ever gone to International totally overwhelmed by the abundance of options and settled for something less than satisfactory for a pregame or a Wine Wednesday? In Bwog’s newest weekly column, we give you the wine recommendations that won’t break the bank and are guaranteed to please even the most juvenile of taste buds. Yellow Tail, the Australian wine […]
Where you study says a lot about you, and Bwog is here to either shame or celebrate you for it. If one of the following TV shows is at the front of your Netflix queue, you’re most likely spending your peak studying hours in the accompanying location. The Office (U.S.): You study in Butler 209. You lack […]
And just when you thought the Trumps couldn’t possibly disparage the Bush family anymore after this election cycle, Melania went public today blaming Trump’s ‘boy talk’ remarks from the leaked tape on Billy Bush. In response, the internet made the hashtag, #billybushmademedoit, trend. (CNN) To the two environmental biology majors out there, you can take heart in […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
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