Have you watched Tina Fey’s latest show Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? This article looks at the show through the lense of Kimmy’s experience as an implied rape survivor. (New Yorker) Yo, smokers outside of Butler, quit while you still (maybe) can! Look at these scary effects of smoking while pregnant. (Huffington Post) Don’t know who Ted […]
Obama’s new (angsty!) video encourages us to “get the facts.” We’re feeling a back-of-the-envelope calculation coming on… [NYMag] The New York Post and Fox have dusted off their anti-Columbia headlines from 2007, after learning that the Columbia International Relations Council and Association was invited to dinner with the Iranian president. No word yet on whether […]
Yesterday we joined our country to remember the events of September 11, 2001. Bwog was impressed, inspired, and engaged by media coverage of the 10-year anniversary. If you missed yesterday’s headlines, here are a few pieces worth reading. New Yorkers visited a Bryant Park memorial featuring 2,573 vacant folding chairs—one for each life lost at […]
Bwog is still searching its Cabinet of Cleverness for a new name for the expanded morning news post. Share your ideas in the comments. Yesterday the Museum of the City of New York opened a new exhibit celebrating the city’s “ultimate movers and shakers” in the last 400 years. But where is PrezBo in the […]
It’s time for AltSpec once again, in which Bwog reminds you that you’re far less successful than your esteemed colleagues. Piglet flu took down Big Red and now it’s bearing down on light blue. Thankfully, “Dr. John Clarke” has some nearly-rhyming advice to avoid the sniffles. Remember that you can always validate your choice of […]
It was this man’s vision to lead SEAS, of all things. Columbia grads spawn from the east coast to represent the entire country around the world. Green monkeys. Chalfie’s dream finally comes to pass. We’re far too busy cleaning up to fix the problem. Back in the day, anti-Semitism was endemic. It’s Ebola, but it’s […]
Thanks to one of the few female graduates in the early days of the law school, copyright law was blessed with the “fair use” clause. Here’s to in-class movies and music. Measles, mumps, and rubella are frightening now, but as a child you would have preferred putting off your immunization visits to being saved from […]
Image via toyrific.co.uk Stop panicking about lil’ piggy flu. We’ve found a way to make it politically incorrect. The only reason we have a potential pandemic is all those corrupt doctors. Free Viagra be damned, we want our vaccine! The 2013’s are signing away their souls (on Facebook). Columbia has the fewest downsides—compared to Cornell. […]
Match the quote to the speaker. To give you a break from problem sets, it should be pretty easy, but answers after the jump anyway. Good luck! Quotes Speakers “[I]t was like a national day of protest. There was a counterculture dimension to it.” Roberta Balstad, Center for Research on Environmental Decisions “…hardly principles on […]
Another blog has discovered our friend Sarah Dooley. Yes, her character is a lot like Michael Scott, but so much cuter! A Columbia grad student played in that intertubes-inspired concert at Carnegie Hall: “I haven’t hardly played at all.” Drought in Africa: yes, it could happen, and it’s happened before: “startling.” Ever wonder what happens […]
The weekly “Gee, really?” news of the week: replacing soda with water is healthy. In fact, water even has fewer calories. The Chronicle is careful not to judge when reporting on Massad’s probable tenure. It’s just been a “rocky road,” but not the delicious kind. Harvard was mentioned in global media more often than Columbia […]
At the Double Discovery center, they confirm and reconfirm that dating abuse is just not okay. Our pediatric neuroscience department was managed by a fraudster. John Bzdil pleaded guilty on Tuesday for defrauding Columbia for $180,000 used for personal expenses. Miller Theatre has a “new” director. Granted, she was the acting director since October. A […]
Irvine R. Levine, style guru, insisted on his bowties and the use of his middle initial during his forty-five years at NBC. The former Weatherman and 1968 revolutionary Mark Rudd has released his new memoir, but The Wall Street Journal is far from impressed. An oddly-specific study shows that fast food makes people fat. For […]
Photo via Wikipedia Locally – Our women’s archery coach demonstrates that arrows can indeed puncture humans. Internationally – We’re not opening international campuses, just research facilities. All the glory, none of the undergrads. Internally – All those Twinkies in your college diet will make you forget everything you’ve learned. Virtually – He got a journalism […]
To exams: Who were you fooling with all of those hours you spent in Butler last week? Not the good people at Cramster.com, apparently — the cheatsheet site reports more traffic from Columbia than any other school. So this is how you were using those WiFi maps. To global warming: Emitted in Texas, sequestered in […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025