Only a dance with the devil himself could have provided us with this fortunate pairing.
This election may get a little dicey. Editor’s note: drug use
I don’t even think it bears repeating, but let’s just say that this weekend was weird. Like, weird. Random, drunk, and weird. Check out this weekend’s field notes. Spur of the moment: Went to Claire’s to get an impromptu ear piercing and realized I didn’t have my real state ID to prove I was over […]
Maven reporter Lydia DePillis contacted Bwog just moments ago with this alarming and amazing tip: “Chicken and rice stand on 116th–with a tv!” Any guesses on what the Chef is watching? Josh Brolin on SNL tonight, must-see-TV perhaps?
The twin actresses who played Pebbles in the Flintstones movie go to Columbia! And now Bwog has that stupid song in its head. UPDATE: They’re in SEAS. And they’re girls. And they’re in SEAS.
Tips are slower these days, but a critical mass has long since accumulated. Items of interest: NSOP has a theme! Not as graphically snazzy, but least they’re not hyperventilating like last year. Silly kids. Don’t they know that winners play basketball? This happened a while ago, but good news doesn’t get old. Cute! 71 indictments […]
A few items have come over the alias recently that we thought we’d share. To wit: University Senate candidate Eric Wang has scored again on the campaign publicity. Although his website seems to be inactive and posters alone don’t quite measure up to last year’s brilliance, somehow, it works. One tipster unaccountably roaming Hamilton this […]
Right now in Lerner piano lounge: free coffee, hot chocolate, chili, pastries, and massages. Bwog doesn’t really see the connection, but get it while you can!
A few notable links that have come in over the past couple of days: 1) Andrew Delbanco’s essay in The New Republic, War College. The chair of American Studies department, Delbanco reflects on his teaching of LitHum and the difficulties of understanding war within the university. 2) An update on the final exam incident at […]
Bwog recieved this picture and a panicked message from a camera phone a few minutes ago: “I WAS WALKING DOWN BROADWAY AND THIS LITTLE AGE [sic] WAS SITTING INJURED ON THE SIDEWALK SOMEONE FIND A BIRD EXPERT. There as to be someone here for enviro day.We put him near this Tree at bArnard” Save the […]
Bwog doesn’t quite know what to say about this sign, encountered unexpectedly in a stairwell to a bus platform. Fragments here, full advertisement after the jump.
Craziness. His name is Cornell Barnard. What’s next, Columbia Harvard? The moose-men cometh. Streakin’ to the summit… There’s a snake in my boot! Pot-peddling preschoolers. The apocalypse is coming. Fight Club is real!
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025