Double-sided, super-sticky, extra-thick red tape Our own high-profile university admin search Those who take time off gain perspective, face problems A glut of Israeli-Palestinian conflict pieces: More Left, Left, Right, More Right
While you’re all recovering from your Super Bowl excitement and realizing that your first quiz of the year is on Tuesday and you haven’t read for it, reminisce briefly about the week gone by. – Clubs threw food at us while recovering from the news that ABC actually cares that they do something. – New […]
Good-for-nothin’ vermin! Gatherin’ round the campfire with Uncle PresBo New pass/fail policy finally wrangled Administration: the snake in yer boot The Superbowl: bigger tradition than last year’s hoedown
For those of you who rocked Glass House Rocks on Thursday night, perhaps we can admit that, for once, Lerner couldn’t have been put to better purpose. If you were fortunate enough to show up in the earlier half, food was (for the time being) in great abundance – some of the delights included international […]
Girls discuss sexist ageism, M. Cheney talks about forthcoming bundle of joy (Today’s New York Times has great coverage of the fem-fest here) Prez Bo: Columbia has a new…wife? There are five gazillion books in Butler (Could it be more impressive than the iPhone?) Staff to Columbia, re: M’ville: Please don’t embarrass yourself again A […]
Domain expansion plan emimminent, waiting for eminent domain Homeless wish they were paid $75 to act homeless The Green Monster? Strippers? In case you’re wondering which Republican to vote for… “I Don’t See Any Snakes In This Eden”
Facebook f you Bwog received several tips regarding the glorious Facebook Flyer displayed at right, which we are sure brought smiles to procrastinators throughout campus (and, perhaps, panic to a certain scarf thief). We wish the flyer’s anonymous poster good luck bundling up, although (s)he probably needs to cool off a little anyway. Come now, Chris […]
Maybe you can win the Marshall, too! The indiscernible likelihood that Barnard women will stay strong, connected, beautiful, bold while waiting for the Nexus It isn’t easy being green Laughing as a evolutionary relic. LOL On the defense, for Israel Bonus: Video on gentrification (yes, a video)
New semester, new season of CTV. Same hosts; same production values (note the dropped audio in the first few seconds of the show); thankfully, same opening sequence, featuring a CTV correspondent stepping out from behind the Butler stacks. Pure gold – and we’re only being half sarcastic. Notable stories on the first episode included: Now […]
The road to New Harlem – READ THIS SHIT 2010–not quite out of high school Ithaca falls, Lions justify existence Mmmm….toasty….and sweaty…. One more route to liberation dashed. And this one was so fun!
Whacko Alums Who Amuse and Inspire Wayne Allyn Root, C’83, is considering running on the Libertarian ticket during the next presidential election. More importantly, he has gotten rich by peddling crap, and he knows it. Nevertheless, after a career involving sports news, TV production, gambling, and writing best-selling books such as Millionaire Republican (part of subtitle: “Why Rich […]
It’s cold outside. Like really really cold. Which means that you probably had nothing better to do than sit inside, drink coffee, and check Bwog all day. But in the off chance that you had homework, or something, here’s what you should have read. – Our new sex columnist. You’ll never know who she is, […]
Movin’ Out Parents to Bloomberg: Step off, biatch Like Odysseus, Lions journey to Ithaca to meet large burly men…in Speedos Will work for course credit But you like us…right?
Columbia goes chartreuse Morningside Heights not a euphemism for this corner of Harlem (And a hearty welcome to SoHa) Staff can’t wait for special pass/fail option until next semester, citing “no incentive to work” Bill O’Reilly knows a lot of shit, has own highly-rated television show And the quote of the day: “In a way, […]
Reflecting the noble efforts of its students, redefining the known world in experimental breakthroughs and subversive anthropology theses alike, Bwog has recently come upon a couple examples of Columbia’s own willingness to fight the dominant paradigm. Follow our earth-shattering eye to… The World of Pop Culture: According to Metro (New York’s #1 newspaper…in contributing to […]
Fireside Chat With Dr. Anthony Fauci On Public Health And Pandemics
February 11, 2025Speak Now: Joan Jonas
February 10, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
February 8, 2025Marginalia: The Bibles Of Butler
February 8, 2025