Over two years ago, Bwog noted the appearance of a Lactation Room in Carman. It actually appears that there are seven such rooms of requirement scattered around campus, the most recent of which–for the women of SEAS–is the first one yet for an undergraduate school. Are the recesses of Mudd better suited for procreation? Or […]
Tipster John Hill forwarded Bwog a most interesting link: Trojan is kind enough to release a ranked list (warning: PDF) of American universities on the basis of their standards of sexual health. Breathe easy; Columbia took 12th place of 139 (third among the Ivies, after Harvard and Penn, and 51 places above those filthy Cornell […]
The New York Times Magazine covers sex publications, marking the eighteenth time in as many years Bwog has read about H-Bomb; interestingly, the aforementioned Harvard publication was granted college funding, unlike, say, Columbia’s Outlet. No mention of sex pieces in non-sexual college publications? Following in the footsteps of our favorite “explicitly, absolutely, without a doubt […]
A few tipsters report that Morton Williams has special floral baskets for single supermarket shoppers. Perhaps the idea is that you’ll spot each other while choosing between fruits…”Do these melons look juicy?”…and leave together, or something. This development comes with lots of high- and middle-brow buzz about Laura Sessions Stepp’s new book, Unhooked: How Young […]
You’ll never know who she is, but you’ll read her anyway. Send questions, propositions, and fan mail to bwogsex@gmail.com. Welcome to the Belle Jar. I dedicate this Valentines Day to Lisa Nowak. Some people can go the distance for love. Walking across campus last night, I counted eight guys and girls carrying flowers to their […]
Frontiers report arrogant, Helfand responds, “I simply reject the claim that 17-year-olds know more than faculty” An article about money and sex, but no quid pro quo New York beats Boston in balls A Cool Article About A Playwright Spec staff urges credit for club sports, and Chas Carey says exactly the same thing (fix […]
It’s cold outside. Like really really cold. Which means that you probably had nothing better to do than sit inside, drink coffee, and check Bwog all day. But in the off chance that you had homework, or something, here’s what you should have read. – Our new sex columnist. You’ll never know who she is, […]
Everyone and their sister (publication) has a sex columnist these days, and–being the blatantly imitative blog that we are–Bwog decided to get one of its own. There’s a lot we could say about this nameless muse…but we’ll let her introduce herself. Welcome to the Belle Jar. Update, 1/23, 8:38 PM: You can e-mail the Belle […]
The internets are afire with talk of this weekend’s “Modern Love” column in the NY Times, authored by one Ashley Cross, a reputed student at our very own university. The mysterious Ms. Cross, who could not be located by Facebook, Columbia directory, or truly thorough Googling (unless she happens to own this site), has come […]
Winter Break came to a crashing close today, but for some over the holiday weekend, waiting for human contact proved unbearable. In the spirit of helping these forgotten few find love, Bwog presents some of the lost souls from around our neighborhood who turned longingly to Craigslist in the twilight of their freedom… I. SM seeks […]
Because porn and politics go together so well, we decided to combine the two. Outlet (which doesn’t exist in hard copy because funding didn’t happen) Sex sells, but weird sex sells better! Disturbing non-sequitur How they did it in the Auld Country Last minute Christmas gifts for….not your mother Would that we could all be […]
Just when you thought the dialogue around Columbia’s sexual atmosphere couldn’t get any worse…Ann Coulter got involved. Today on FOX News, Bwog’s favorite channel, she opined (click for video!) on the Daily News “report” “exposing” our “creepy” carnal persuits. Money quotes: “I really think you should get a picture of some of these [S&M] clubs and a […]
Bwog must interrupt its holiday programming for this important announcement. The New York Daily News, that staid bastion of equanimity, has declared that Columbia is out of control, and they’re not talking politics: this time, it’s all that wild crazy sex. The 1,200-word feature story (which ran online with the dubiously related picture at right) […]
Overheard in Ferris Booth: Guy 1: “Was he up?” Guy 2: “No, I don’t think so.” Guy 1: “If you’re going to fuck a chicken on stage, get hard.” Thanks to tipster Lars Dabney and his sharp ears.
Vowing to “protect the world at large from horrible sex advice” and claiming that Spec sex columnist Miriam Datskovsky “is a violation of all of our human rights,” anonymous tipster “Captain Subtext” has informed Bwog of the Fire Miriam Datskovsky blog. The site primarily contains frighteningly thorough critiques of many of Miriam’s columns and of those who […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025