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Inspired by events in Egypt and Tunisia, one blogger is trying to incite a “Jasmine Revolution” in China, while based in his girlfriend’s Morningside Heights(!) apartment. Revolutions—you can start them from your home computer! (NYT) The two teenagers involved in the brutal beating of a Chinese food delivery man in a Morningside Heights apartment building have […]
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Bwog’s own self-proclaimed shrew, Juliet Schieper, reports from all around campus: Last night, rain lightly fell upon a crowd of theatre-goers gathered around the Sun Dial. The turn out was less than usual, though still quite impressive, due to the inconsistent weather, for the King’s Crown Shakespeare Troupe’s spring show. KCST chose to perform The […]
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Update 10:13 pm: The signs are still up, but the Lerner desk says it’s okay to go inside, but didn’t know what type of vermin was being killed. It doesn’t reek of chemicals; in fact the air in 212 is more neutral and pleasing than it has ever been. Right now, and for at least […]
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Congratulations, you made it through a whole semester’s worth of classes! Now all that stands between you and summer vacation is…finals. Procrastinate by checking out all of the ridiculous things professors said before ending class. If you forgot to send one in, or we just foolishly overlooked it, feel free to share it in the […]
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HamDel is open 24 hours/day—except on Sundays, when it closes at 9 pm, which has led to much embarrassment as this Bwogger has tried to get NYPDs and Twisters at 2 am on Monday mornings. But tipster Cole Diamond sends in a picture that may point to salvation! HamDel will be open 24/7 during finals […]
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QuickTix spreads the mission of the TIC far and wide. Every two weeks we tell who’s buying which tickets, both on and off-campus. Every once in a while, around this time of year, they get a ton of action and the lines in Lerner lobby can get a little hectic. The organizers of the Varsity […]
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Free Scoop, Dawg!

Snoop Dogg has said, “When I’m not longer rappin’, I want to open up an ice cream parlor and call myself Scoop Dogg.” But CCSC isn’t willing to wait that long. Instead, they’re out on Vam Am Quad right now until 8 pm, handing out free ice cream, funnel cake, and the last of the […]
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Today is the greatest day in the world—the day the noble Prince William marries his college sweetheart, the “commoner” Kate Middleton. It’s a story of love triumphing over society that has captured the hearts of Brits, admirers of royalty, and of course the media, from British tabloids and American gossip mags to the New York Times. It’s […]
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In today’s EcoConch, we take you to Barnard! Perhaps you haven’t heard, but a recent streak of flagrant and wanton littering has hit the school hard. To combat this problem, Barnard decided to…spread fliers all over? That’s right, they spread ironically green anti-litter fliers all over the floor. So, EcoReps, we call on you! Tell […]
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In this week’s Cooking With Bwog, resident snack chef Matt Powell serves up something even the least culinary competent can easily create! It’s tough work to be a full-time foodie. It takes a lot of time: time to grocery shop, time to menu plan, time to cook, time to eat. So what happens when the foodie […]
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Update, 3:36 pm: Protesters claimed  “The NYPD was going to arrest them,” so they’re now at the base of the steps. According to one tipster, they’re “making a lot of random noise.” One male is yelling noises—not words—into a microphone. A female has a cello. Remember those anti-ROTC protesters? They’re back! About 20 people are […]
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V117 premieres tonight! Their trailer (as imagined by CUMB) boasts POWER, LUST and Godzilla footage. Check out our review of the preview, and a brief history of the Varsity Show tradition. We’ll see you there tonight! Spec gets personal and pretty cute with their professors about the meaning of life, sharing their stories from their […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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