Upon returning from winter break, many Barnard and Columbia students were rudely awakened to the fact that they could not access the other school’s dining halls until the semester officially started, causing trouble for many hungry students.
Staff Writer Jade Scott explores navigating the challenges of a new semester and how to find balance between academic success and mental well-being.
I think we’ve seen this film before… and we REALLY liked the ending!
All’s fair in love and Barnumbia.
I’m aware that I’m not that observant.
You can never escape the dining hall comparisons.
She would probably have gotten a better character arc here, anyway.
Just an appetizer of the recent history of our school.
Bwog has compiled just a few of the many times our former chronically online president fired off 280 characters about our beloved school.
The frats are either going to permanently ban me from future parties or appoint me to become their designated party planner because of this article. At this point, I’m not sure which outcome sounds worse.
This is a dedication to late trains and frantically texting your friends to apologize for tardiness at each stop on the way.
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