Bwog Daily Editor and White House Bureau Chief James Downie checks in from Virginia, with the College Democrats’ campaign trip. LEESBURG, VA. – Back in the so-called “glory days” of student activism (really?), student campaigners would arrive in an broken-down Eurovan, sleep on hard floors, scrounge for their own food, and build rafts from local…no, […]
Late-night news in “Giant Inflatable Penis-gate,” as the queer community has moved quickly to respond to the controversial editorial published in Wednesday’s Spectator. In addition to the factual errors, the editorial is also attracting controversy for alleging that Queer Awareness Month “must be sure to focus on awareness and education before revelry.” The “revelry” in […]
The highly anticipated second Presidential debate of the 2008 election commenced mere moments ago. Tonight’s affair should prove to be quite the slug-fest, as both camps have turned up the heat with nasty smears and negative ads as of late, with just under thirty days until election day. Also, tonight’s debate from Belmont University in […]
Bwog headed to Roone Cinema this evening ready for our daily dose of lively intellectual discourse, today’s source being the first of three debates between the College Democrats and Republicans on issues pertinent to the upcoming election. We settled into our cushy seat surrounded by a vast sea of argyle sweaters and watched the games […]
Over a month ago, CU Dems made plans to visit Northern Virginia to help push Obama and House and Senate candidates over the edge to victory. Bwog has now heard that the Republicans will be going to campaign in New Jersey on Election Day. Both trips will be funded entirely out of the groups’ own […]
Haven’t seen this one before: Chabad is luring passersby with challah dough, which you can mix with raisins, cinnamon, and chocolate chips to bring home and bake for midafternoon deliciousness. The challah-pushers seemed a little crestfallen to hear that Bwog wasn’t actually Jewish, but we feel sure that Gentiles wouldn’t be turned away. Meanwhile, the […]
Like the candidates’ commitment to service, Bwog’s commitment to free food never wavers. Here are just some of the events this evening for you to fill your stomachs at: Last night’s Jumbotron extravaganza not enough for you? The College Dems are having a “debriefing” barbecue from 5-8 in front of Hartley and Wallach. If you like to […]
With the dual force of Obamacain four days from striking campus, student groups and councils are scrambling to inject themselves into the festivities. On Saturday, representatives from almost every governing council, as well as CPU, the College Democrats, and the College Republicans, met to plan programming for the run-up. They plan to send their outline […]
While the campus prepares for the visit of the two presidential candidates, students have already gotten started on the fall election. the College Democrats, MSA, and Free Culture are co-sponsoring a campus-wide voter registration initiative, modeled on the popular CUAssassins game that every year afflicts students with amusingly high levels of paranoia. Teams of students […]
The College Democrats have announced the location of this year’s Campaign Fun Trip, and it is to Virginia! Northern Virginia, specifically. They’ll be campaigning for Obama, Senate hopeful Mark Warner, and Judy Feder, who is running for Congress.
Another year has passed, and a new passel of eager young reformers have stepped up to the Executive Board of the CU College Dems. Bwog welcomes the whole crew, along with Chris Daniels (pictured), the new President and issuer of many press releases to come. The full new board, and the email that announced them, […]
College Walk finds itself abuzz with excitement this afternoon, playing host to an array of colorful happenings. Spring is here to stay, much to the delight of protesters and peddlers. First, as the beat of a conga drum wafts through the air, one finds the ubiquitous trinketry, cheap spring scarfs, and ethnic food of a […]
State Assemblyman confirms what everyone already knows, Morningside Heights is old and has lots of pretty buildings. Iraq activists: Ring my bell, wash my flag. Columbia’s killing cancer. Cool! Columbia students are hot for Hookah. Smart Women Securities for Females in Finance. GSSC election circus continues.
The Dems are on the ramps of Lerner, distributing cupcakes to anyone who will sign a petition to lower the price of birth control on campus. Due to the oversight of some legislative intern (probably a college student him- or herself), college students have lost the price reduction on birth control that kept us hiploose […]
Howard Dean, head of the Democratic National Committee, was invited by the College Democrats to speak in Low Library yesterday on student activism and the current presidential elections. The former governor was one awkward “Yeah!” away from what seemed like a sure Democratic nomination and possibly a four year stay at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Dean, […]
In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024