Bwog does not endorse underage drinking, nor do we endorse drinking without style.
I only take General Chemistry to master Bwixology.
Rain is on the forecast from today until Saturday. What you need is a steaming mug of fruity, spicy cranberry apple cider to cheer you the hell up! P.S. All the ingredients for this Beverage-In-Mug can be found in John Jay and Ferris, if that’s your thing.
NSOP isn’t complete with a handful of pregames being thrown on your floor, and we know that even the worst vodka can be made better with a good playlist. To help you make your pregame the “most lit” in Carman, we bring you two hours of hype music to get you excited to go out after […]
We’ve already seen two brave souls attend their FroSci lecture drunk, but what happens when another baby Bwogger volunteers to attend film class high? Read about their Thursday morning Vertigo and close encounter with a professor below! As I sat in Butler late Wednesday night finishing a paper that was due in a mere couple of hours, I was met with […]
So, Columbia’s second Quality of Life Survey is out. The subject matter is important – it’s a way for students to have a minuscule voice in the Hobbesian forces of the University of Columbia in the City of New York. But you know what’s even better than handing out statistics to the administration? Doing so while thoroughly buzzed! DISCLAIMER: Please drink […]
We sent two baby Bwoggers to their 11 am FroSci lecture as they guzzled a bottle or two of the cheapest white wine International had to offer (−OH, ya feel?). Throughout the lecture, they managed to develop a drinking game AND learn about black holes (though we all know that their consumption induced them into their own black hole of drunkenness). […]
As a response to the debate surrounding child immunization, health officials in California are strongly advising parents to refrain from holding “measles parties.” Though no drinks are served, attendees still face large risks; these parties intentionally expose children to measles, as well as a slew of other diseases common among kids. (ABC News) Talk about […]
It’s only the beginning of the semester, so you still have a fair amount of time before you really have to buckle down and get serious in order to please your parents (who are spending over 60k a year on tuition) (hahaha capitalism) and get those As. Before the stress settles in, how about combining […]
Have you been interested in trying out a course in Clam Engineering for a while? We spotted this course listing on a bulletin board in Wallach. The course, taught by Professors Autumn Plumbo and Blake Cecil and held in the Mollusk Center, offers an “interdisciplinary exploration of subcultural linguistic and narrative formation as mediated by the […]
Good news! A study by the CDC of 138,100 U.S. adults has found that 90 percent of Bwog staffers heavy drinkers are not actually alcoholics. If that has you feeling at all good about the state of humanity, an outbreak of bubonic plague has struck Madagascar, killing forty and threatening to spread further. But, hey, a survey […]
On Tuesday night, a group of brave bwoggers ventured where no CU student had gone before: the recently opened Beer Hall, Bernheim & Schwartz. Warning: choices not suitable for a Tuesday were made. Bernheim & Schwartz (aka the place where Havana Central used to be) doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. However, the possibilities for “Weekend […]
Finals start in two weeks. Are you ready? Probably not. That’s okay, Bwog isn’t either. Do you like to drink? Of course you do. Here’s a fun way how to drink. Make a game out of it, because drinking is only fun if you are drunk. The Name of the Game Assuming your final is […]
It’s Halloween! The most frightful part this holiday is not the ghosts and ghouls. No, the scariest aspect is the ritual where it’s perfectly acceptable to wear nearly nothing and dress like a pimp or a ho. To build up your courage to wear the itchy, or slutty, costume you’ve chosen for the party circuit, […]
Here’s your biweekly Drinking With Bwog fix with JJ Rivera from the Columbia Bartending Agency (CBA). If you think you need more alcohol in your life, check out the CBA class schedule. Are you ready to secretly curse the sadistic professor who swore their midterm was easy? Are you nervous about how lack of sleep […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025