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Posts Tagged with "hewitt"

Hewitt’s B rating is just a way to hide from the CC boys that they have better scrambled eggs than John Jay and better avocado toasts (on Tuesdays) than Ferris. That is all. Hewitt’s secret via Bwog Archives

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More housing reviews for the Barnard babes! This time it’s Hewitt (the dorm, not the dining hall). Check out this thorough review and get yourself ready for the utter ruthlessness that is room selection.  Location: Barnard Quad (3009 Broadway) Nearby dorms: Reid, Brooks, Sulz, Sulz Tower (in the same building); 600, 616, 620, Claremont, etc. (right […]

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Knock, knock. It’s the students of Barnard. And, Hewitt, we’re sick of your shit. We pay thousands of dollars in meal plans every semester – meal plans we’re required to buy – and then, when we need you most, when we’re wallowing in despair over our unfortunate return to class after a glorious spring break, we venture […]

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Since we sent a BC first-year to JJ’s Place for the first time, it seemed only fair to also do the opposite: send a CC upperclassman to Hewitt for the first time. So, does Hewitt pizza live up to the rumors? Why does anyone go to Hewitt? Where even is Hewitt? We have (at least some) […]

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Parents? In your dorm room? Sounds like a recipe for disaster! A first-year Bwogger shares fun tidbits from Parents Weekend, in chronological order. My parents arrived at 1 pm on Thursday but didn’t tell me they were safely in New York until 5:00 pm—a function of being unable to navigate their iPhones. Here’s a direct quote […]

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Barnard seniors just made their housing selections yesterday, but we still have a lot of Barnard students waiting to make their selection. Today, we bring you the review of Hewitt, AKA the building that reminds you that you will never be able to escape The Quad. Location: The Quad (3009 Broadway) Nearby dorms: 600, 616, 620, Sulzberger […]

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Housing approacheth. And, unless you’re on top of it, it’s probably coming up sooner than you think. Bwog’s got you covered; we’ll be rolling out two housing reviews per day until no residence hall is left un-reviewed. Prepare to get (even more) excited: this year, we’re reviewing Barnard residence halls, too. Reviews for all! Today’s […]

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Remember how we told you a few months ago that Morningside Heights is a den of filth? About that… it kind of still is. As much as we hate to believe that it’s true—we really, really love those corn muffins—it has come to our attention that Café 212 has a super high rating due to […]

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Hewitt loves you like a fat kid loves cake and wants you to love cake too. Photo by Lily Keane

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Bwog’s weekly round-up of neighborhood news sees many odd occurrences. Please continue to help keep us as well-informed as possible by tipping your boringest to Hewitt has new, larger, and more sophisticated-ly round mugs, (more mug drama here). At Panino Sportivo, the 38th person to order a sandwich  gets it for free. These correspond […]

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The Core, it has been said, is good for cocktail party chatter and not much else. You’ll be able to schmooze with people about Woolfe and iambic pentameter, yadda yadda. This post supplements the rather specific knowledge Columbia bestows on you (hey, no snark alert: we kind of love the Core) with some genuinely useless […]

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Yet another reason to love Hewitt — plus they actually have fresh grapefruit.

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In the latest edition of Bwog’s profiles of unsung friendly faces around campus, Bwog contributor and Chief Burger Customizer Nikhita Mahtani took a trip to Hewitt and got to know Benny, the man behind the Barnard grill. Let’s be honest. Nobody wants to have a dining plan. But for the BC/CU students that have one […]

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A tipster has informed us that the swipe machine in Hewitt Dining Hall is broken and everyone is getting in for free. Go now, before they fix it!

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As if John Jay’s courageous tray-elimination weren’t enough! Dining goes the extra mile today with “Green Dinners” for Earth Day in John Jay and Hewitt. You should probably proceed with the usual caution, avoiding all meats and carbohydrates that appear green, but on your way out you might stop by a few of the student […]

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