Bwog Staff is going to sleep tonight thinking only about their rebirth at the 114th Starbucks in the morning.
Ever noticed the creeping band of children’s rhymes the scroll along a wall of Morton Williams? Well, we have, and we were curious. Bwogger, part-time exorcist, and pumpkin enthusiast Phoebe Newton checks it out for us. Morton Williams was not always a grocery store. Long ago, before the food, before the ubiquitous franchise, the brothers […]
Foxconn is vehemently denying that its workers are striking at the iPhone 5 factory in China. This is a wise move on Foxconn’s part to save face for Apple and to avoid rioting. However, econ majors will soon realize that the iPhone 5 is turning into a Veblen good. (Huffington Post) Depression and suicide rates have soared […]
It’s been nearly two weeks since Bwog’s bracketology majors debuted the Bwog Coffee Showdown, with the goal of finding the best cup of coffee in Morningside? Sure, you can read about Linsanity on any sports page, but only Bwog’s Sports Desk can provide in-depth coverage of Columbia’s very own pursuit of the perfect brew. With all the rigor of […]
Update, 12:45 pm: Starbucks on 115th is back in business! About to head out the door for your morning Starbucks? Hold up! Due to the water issues that have been plaguing the neighborhood as of late, the 115th location is closed indefinitely. O, the misfortune! The perils of a caffeine-less 10 am class! What is […]
To celebrate the two month anniversary of OWS, protestors pledged to shut down the NYSE. While so far unsuccessful, police and protestors are already clashing outside the Exchange doors. (Gothamist, NYTimes) Protest is sure to be especially charged today, after a New York State Supreme Court justice ruled that those from OWS do not “have a First […]
Columbia’s celebrated Earth Day for a long time, and that proud tradition continues today. If you’re not spending the day getting closer to nature in Riverside Park (or just the lawns), why not check out some of the conferences and symposia the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences has planned for today? If you want […]
Floridita (you know, that Cuban restaurant that was relocated due to Manhattanville expansion) is suing Columbia University for moving it to a building contaminated with asbestos. This isn’t the first of Columbia’s asbestos-related issues. (Village Voice) Starbucks’ new 31-ounce Trenta cup can hold an entire bottle of wine. Oh, the possibilities! (Eater) A Connecticut pot […]
The sought-after economist was spotted yesterday during an interview for WNYC/BBC/PRI’s “The Takeaway” in the cozy nook of our very own Starbucks. Photo by Jon Hill
It’s summer, and it’s that magical time of year when things change and you come back next year only to think, “Hey, when did this happen?” Well, now is when! Lerner Renovation: First and foremost, the plans and models we saw back in May for a new Lerner 4th Floor, home to the new Center […]
If you wandered past Barnard’s new Events Oval last night, the first thing you might have noticed at the Meal Plan Forum, even before the presence of the forty or so mostly angry attendees, would have been the two tables of catered food. Ironic, yes, but it did placate the hordes of meal plan-protesters, at […]
Feeling sleepy and stingy at the same time? Need we even ask? Starbucks, mother of all things bohemian, is offering a free tall coffee to anyone daring enough to take the VIA Taste Challenge in participating branches through this coming Monday. As the latest promotion for its newly released instant coffee, VIA Ready Brew, the challenge […]
Here is another joyful indication of the approaching holiday season: yesterday, local mom-and-pop coffee shop Starbucks began its annual tradition of serving coffee in wintry red cups. Bwog doesn’t even like Starbucks, and yet there’s something about Red Cup Day that makes us inordinately happy. So, take your red cupped hot chocolate and take a […]
From now until 4pm, you can go to College Walk and EarthCo will exchange 10 plastic bags (bad for the environment) for 1 Westside Market tote bag (good for the environment). Seems like a good deal for you and the world! Also, from the EarthCo email: The first 70 people will receive a new tote, […]
Bwog passed the Carman gates at 114th Street and was happy to find representatives from Seattle eager to bequeath $5 Starbucks Cards as well as Tazo Tea and their replacement for adderall to students harried by midterms. All you have to do is put your “name” and your “address” onto a postcard that you are […]
Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
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