A mild Sunday night meeting started off with some great news: the Bacchanal College Days T-shirts had been universally praised and were in high demand. In true Columbia form, however, the only leftovers are extra-large. And speaking of Bacchanal, the Campus Life Committee had originally wanted to have a pre-concert festival was originally planned for […]
The War on Fun is bringin’ you down. You have two options: drink 40’s somewhere else, or promise yourself that, without a doubt, you will never give a penny to this god awful place as long as you live. Senior Fund and its awkward propaganda be damned! Well, unless you’re too cool for mimicking Obama’s […]
Much of last night’s CCSC meeting split two ways was concerned with the CCSC Town Hall and College Days, with George Krebs and Robyn Burgess reminding the council members to come out. Actual news was little in evidence, with one exception: VP for Policy Adil Ahmed, CC 2010 President AJ Pasuca, and CC 2010 VP […]
At tonight’s CCSC meeting, VP for Policy Adil Ahmed announced that, after a meeting with Dean Cristen Kromm, alcohol may be allowed in common areas next year. Currently, Columbia does not allow alcohol to be kept anywhere except in an overage student’s room, declaring the common area a “public space” (locks and doors not withstanding). […]
‘Twas a dark and stormy night. Lightning flashed over Low and thunder rumbled outside as the members of CCSC took their seats in the Satow Room on Sunday night for another rousing debriefing of the zany world of Columbia politics. The meeting began with a discussion about a possible kickball “event” between CCSC and ESC. […]
The neighborhood is already losing one fine establishment, and now another is in trouble with The Man: tipsters confirm that old standby 1020 was raided hit by an NYPD sting operation last night. According to patrons, three cops showed up with fake IDs, and proceeded to fine 1020 $10,000. No word on whether there were […]
Are your friends finally getting tired of hearing that same completely ridiculous story about last Saturday night? Desperately need someone new to listen to your drunkscapades? Never fear – CCSC is here!As promised at a recent CCSC meeting, an email to the senior class last night included an item called “CCSC Wants Your Stories.” Unfortunately, […]
The administration has given the OK to a 40s on 40 replacement: as reported last Monday, its replacement will be “The Senior BBQ,” held on April 7th from 12-2. How much this will differ from last year’s incarnation remains to be seen, but no doubt last year’s rural-farm-esque fence will be a key part of […]
Public Safety Officer Joseph Feyjoo confronts ski team captain Raphael Graybill Campus Public Safety put an end to the Columbia ski team’s effort to build a ski jump on the Low Library steps tonight. Citing the jump’s potential danger to “small children,” two officers dispatched from Public Safety’s main office ordered the team to “cease […]
Late-breaking news out of Satow tonight, as SEAS ’09 president Kim Manis announced at the ESC weekly meeting that 40s on 40 could be replaced with a senior barbeque. Details will not be finalized until another meeting between adminstrators and students tomorrow night, but Manis reported that “although details are still being worked out, alcohol […]
Bwog-rover James Downie hunkered down in the Satow Room to follow the latest CCSC meeting: The meeting began with a vote on cosponsorship requests: while most of the groups received their requested amounts, the Vagina Monologues did not get money for dildos for the audience (or maybe “dildoes for the audience”–Bwog and Demetri Martin aren’t […]
Sure, seniors may be looking at the worst job market in decades, but at least they have some of Columbia’s fun senior traditions to look forward to! Or, you know, not. The administration’s “War on Fun” campaign looks to be well on its way to destroying a proud senior pastime, as sources tell Bwog that […]
WKCR got the money ($270,000) Chalfie got the money ($1.5 million) Columbia got the money ($150 million) Columbia might lose the money ($7.2 billion)! “Uncle Ronnie” got the money ($700 billion) Plus: the War on Fun part bazillion
Yesterday, the Columbia Community received an email from James McShane announcing the release of Public Safety’s Annual Report. Bwog’s Crime Bureau Chief Jon Hill crunched some numbers and compared Columbia with Duke and U. Chicago (our peers in U.S. News rankings) on their levels of per-student (full-time enrollee) crime. Says Hill: “The University of Chicago […]
Bwog just heard word that this July, Governor Paterson signed legislation making smoking illegal in all New York college dormitories — this includes EC! A pair of RAs also noted that at least for Columbia, the mere possession of tobacco products is forbidden. In other crackdown news, one Bwog staffer was removed by security this […]
Focus Series Kickoff: Lareina Yee ’95 On Navigating The Modern Workplace
February 4, 2025Focus Series Kickoff: Lareina Yee ’95 On Navigating The Modern Workplace
February 4, 2025Focus Series Kickoff: Lareina Yee ’95 On Navigating The Modern Workplace
February 4, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
February 3, 2025