Sociology Professor Allan Silver forwarded Bwog the following email, which was the impetus for yesterday’s NROTC professor statement of support. “I am simply responding to an item in Bwog mentioning that it is inquiring into the origin of the faculty statement in favor of ROTC. There is no mystery, nothing is concealed, all is transparent,” […]
If the fliers, op-ed pieces, and general media frothing about ROTC on campus haven’t swayed your opinion in time for the CCSC-produced survey next Monday, on Wednesday night a moderated panel pitted pro against con ROTC factions in Sulzberger Parlor. (Not the same event in the flier pictured at right, but we couldn’t get a […]
For those of you who don’t read your council presidents’ emails, there is a forum on NROTC tonight in Sulzberger Parlor (3rd floor of Barnard Hall) from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Both pro and con sides have chosen speakers to represent them in the forum, which will be moderated by SGA president Sarah Besnoff. […]
The anti-NROTC coalition (Lucha, Dems, CQA, SDS, CCAW, EAAH, Chicano Caucus, Proud Colors) have invited council members to a meeting tomorrow night, to discuss concerns about “communication.” “Up until the past day or so,” one spokesman told Bwog, “we had no information about how the forums would work.” This is not the first time that […]
Your personal artistic freedom, limited no longer! Your life in a Columbia dorm: restrictive, your life in a semi-real apartment building: restrictive also One week till you get to vote once again and decide whether ROTC will restrict your rights on campus Will Columbia “diversify a predominantly white and male administration” in picking a new […]
Are you kept up at night by financial fears? Yes…but PrezBo is always there for me with his consoling words. Are you proud to be an American now with an Obama Presidency? Yes…but Obama’s Presidency could be as disastrous as the Trojan War was for the Greeks! Wait, who won that war? Better check Sparknotes… […]
Bwog Daily Editor James Downie reports from tonight’s anti-NROTC panel. Apologies to those commenters who requested a liveblog — I felt this was one issue where I might want to make especially sure my notes were accurate. Regardless, those who did not join the 50 or so students in Lerner Cinema earlier tonight did not […]
With the NROTC survey scheduled for the week of November 24th (the days before Thanksgiving), normally the events and editorials would already be flying back and forth. But with some sort of “election” last week, student groups are only just now coming around to the NROTC debate. Leading opposition to the return of NROTC is […]
With the ROTC survey coming later this month (the councils have postponed the date again, this time to the week of November 24th) Bwog spotted posters from the anti-ROTC coalition (so far including the Dems, Lucha, CQA, EAAH, and Proud Colors). Bwog has been told that speakers and events will follow. A pro-ROTC coalition of […]
As Bwog reported earlier, the ROTC survey now has official dates: the survey on the week of November 17th, and the pre-survey forums on the week on November 10th. Students have expressed concern about the proximity of the date to Election Day, and the corresponding long weekend when many students will be traveling. Furthermore, it […]
Since Bwog broke the news of the ROTC referenda last month, the logistical details behind it have still been debated. However, it appears that the student councils at last have a plan. In an email sent by SGA earlier today, a letter from the four councils at the end spelled out more about the timing […]
In this whole hubbub about NROTC forums and referenda, the Wall Street Journal has raised its voice once again. Yesterday, in an article centered around future Marine and Junior Austin Byrd, columnist William McGurn said that PrezBo better straighten out his act and grant the ROTC access to Columbia’s campus. After all, McGurn wrote, even […]
Mayyyyybe Bloomberg will run for reelection Gamers: beware of exceeding University bandwidth caps, but only sometimes. In fact, for most of the things you’ll be doing online, you will be fine. Perhaps the University Senate is a place where debate within the University should take place. As opposed to debating with kitchen knives. Wait a […]
Tonight’s NROTC Forum Planning meeting revolved around the logistics of the two community forums concerning NROTC on campus, to be held — according to CCSC VP of Policy Adil Ahmed and SGA President Sarah Besnoff — hopefully the last week of October. (Though Besnoff said again and again, with growing frustration, that the Councils were […]
It’s been a busy day for NROTC survey planners, as usual. This afternoon, President Bollinger sent an email to the Columbia community, stating his thoughts on ROTC: First, PrezBo declared that “Columbia University has a long and continuing tradition of making special efforts to open its doors to men and women with military service.” He […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025