Bwog’s memory is fine. Editor’s Note: Mentions of domestic violence.
With the business school moving to Manhattanville, Uris Hall will soon be vacant. With no formal announcements on what the space will be used for (except that it will go to the “Arts and Sciences”), Bwog came up with some suggestions. Asian fusion dining hall Municipal airport Nordstrom Bar (to replace Cannon’s) Water park Cinema Hotel […]
Peter Thiel is a co-founder of PayPal and an early investor in Facebook. Yesterday night, he came to campus to promote his new book, Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build The Future. Armchair Analyst Kevin Chen went to see what it was all about. As an audience consisting mostly of well-dressed […]
Bwogger Britt Fossum is as competitive as they come. She competitively skates, competitively eats hamburgers, she even competitively sleeps. So when she heard about Columbia’s “Leadership in Organization” class, she knew it was her time to report. Below, Competitive Cassandra lists the top items that business majors were able to attain by trading a paper […]
Keenan Albee updates on the ongoing battle between those at the business school and those who want to go to business school. And so the battle over the Business School Library rages onward. CCSC and ESC have put forth a joint resolution affirming their support for a pilot program aimed at increasing student access to […]
A sign has appeared in Uris warning rowdy B-schoolers to keep it outside. Bwog was wondering why a similar sign didn’t exist in Butler, until we realized the obvious (and sad) answer. When you go to a school that treats its students to a kegger, you need to make sure that the library is an alcohol-free zone. When […]
Once again, Columbia Business School’s behavioral research lab is attempting to coerce students into participating in experiments with the gift of free hot chocolate. They’re stationed between Schermerhorn and Uris right now! Also: Free razors (the shaving kind, not the scooters) outside of Student Activities on the third floor of the Diana. So… if you’re […]
This summer, Columbia introduced the Financial Econ major, allowing undergrads to enroll in B-School classes (and perhaps partake in B-School bacchanalia) and inching Columbia a little closer to pre-professionalism. Today, that inch becomes a mile: the Center for Student Advising has just announced a Special Concentration in Business Management. You can apply here. The Concentration […]
That means “a motley assortment of things.” Seatbelts, everyone! Gulati says the U.S team was “capable of more” in the World Cup. Columbia is a partner in a jargon-y, confusing government project called the “NYC Media Lab.” Breaking: James Franco is self-important. He is also an artist. Joseph Stiglitz makes $109,919 a year is the […]
But only if you’re in the Law School or SIPA. Columbia’s Office of Communications and Public Affairs announced the complete list of Class Speakers today, and joining Attorney General Eric Holder are many other famous names to prop up the 22 various Class Day and Commencement ceremonies taking place between this Saturday (the B-School) and […]
– Photo by JNW Spotted in Lerner: blogger and Entertainment Weekly creator/founding editor Jeff Jarvis (dim photo at right). Jarvis, who is also now the director of the interactive journalism program at CUNY’s new journalism school, was part of a pre-lunch panel in the Business School’s BRITE Conference, which is taking place during today […]
Image courtesy of The New York Times Last Saturday, Boris “Bob” Yavitz, who served eight years as the dean of Columbia Business School, died of prostate cancer. He was 85. After moving to the United States at 23, Yavitz earned two graduate degrees (in engineering and business) from Columbia and, after starting and managing […]
The B-schoolers aren’t the only ones effected by the recent economic downturn. It turns out undergrads are too! Instead of offering advice on how to save money, this week Bwog on a Budget returns with a special money-making feature. The long and the short of it is simple: Bwog is broke. Given our economic state, […]
We’ve been hearing a lot about Business School professors opposing the government bailing out Wall Street investment banks, but according to IvyGater Robyn Schneider, they have no problem bailing out their vending machines. They have lowered the prices of Luna Bars and Vitamin Waters so that even the poorest MBA student can afford them. The […]
Last time we checked in with our pals over at the Business School, things weren’t looking too hot. Since today was the first good day in a long, long time, Bwog headed over to Uris when the stock market closed this afternoon to see what we could find. B-Schoolers were clustered around the televisions in […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025