Gooooood morning! Welcome to your first tip-top Tuesday as a Barnumbia student. Speaking of tips, be sure to direct any anecdotes, overseens/overheards, and weird shit your OL said to your group to via email or this handy form.
It’s day six of NSOP, which means the wildest week of freshman year (for some of you) is winding down to a close. You’ve made new friends, have already switched majors (?), and are now almost ready to make the transition from prefrosh to official Columbia freshman. Congrats! Shockingly enough, you’ll actually be in classes […]
Happy Wednesday of NSOP! Hope you’re not too hungover and ready to conquer another day of scheduled programming–luckily, today doesn’t seem to be too packed. Remember: if you see/hear/do anything ridiculous, send it to us at or through our anonymous tip form. Today’s highlights: Scoops with Columbia College and Columbia Engineering Staff: Let professors serve […]
If you haven’t yet had a totally normal, non-awkward social interaction with anything on this campus, this byline can be your first one: what’s up! Welcome to Columbia, 2021! As move-in continues and you begin to settle in, you may realize that making friends can be an annoying process. Asking people their name & origin will […]
Did you love it? Do you remember it? Were you even on campus? Find out below.
NSOP is the perfect time to get settled in your new neighborhood, which includes finding your favorite dealer. Deciding who to pick up from can be easy: Birth control? Duane Reade. Grapes? Westside Market. But for other drugs, like caffeine, the choice can be much more complex. During your time at Columbia, you will develop […]
Today is the fifth-going-on-fiftieth day of NSOP, and while your mandatory events and forced friendships seem to be killing you softly, don’t give up hope! Use this time to familiarize yourself with your campus, your peers, and your uni (seriously, memorize that ASAP). Other don’ts for the fifth day of NSOP: hook up with a floor-mate, visit home, use all […]
Sure, NSOP is supposed to be a fun time for all first-years, but admit it – you didn’t really do it right. Whether you were too clean or too sloppy, you probably missed out on some stuff you really hoped for. Did you screw up, or did you achieve the elusive Perfect NSOP?
“Come, [NSOP bracelet], you too must die. Why moan about it so? / Even Patroclus died, a far, far better man than you.” – Homer, The Iliad If we had done our Iliad reading when we were actually supposed to, maybe we could have found comfort in the wise words of Homer. Instead, we found this […]
Ridiculous NSLOP tips keep pouring in, so we thought we’d share some with you. Use our anonymous tip form or email us at Dean Awn has lots of school spirit. We love Dean Awn (remember this?) Slow down there: freshman boy coming out of ruggles on Monday night with freshman girl: “that one shot […]
We’re only a few days in, and already things are getting sloppy. Remember to send in your tips to, or use our anonymous tip form. First-years, write about your experiences, and be on the lookout for applications to join our staff. Gossip: Columbia Admirers is back, kinda. This website links to this Facebook page. […]
Drumroll, please. Class of 2018, your newly-announced NSOP theme is “Reaching New Heights Together.” Today, Columbia issued the NSOP schedule for CC and SEAS, and here are Barnard’s and General Studies‘ if you missed them. Highlights: The collective Thursday night outing is the Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum, which is on the USS Intrepid, “a decommissioned aircraft carrier on […]
Another semester, another season of ridiculous parties. Here, a first-year student brings us back to a better time: NSOP. If you want to tell Mama Bwog about a crazy party experience, email or use our anonymous tip form. As a wide-eyed freshman* first-year, I had no idea what to expect of my first night […]
Tonight, many of you will discover another difference between Columbia and all the rural/”college town” schools your friends are currently at: while they will make it through all four years being entertained by frat parties and “college bars,” if you want to experience all the nightlife New York has to offer, you will need to […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025