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Posts Tagged with "coffee"

NSOP is the perfect time to get settled in your new neighborhood, which includes finding your favorite dealer. Deciding who to pick up from can be easy: Birth control? Duane Reade. Grapes? Westside Market. But for other drugs, like caffeine, the choice can be much more complex. During your time at Columbia, you will develop […]

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Finals season–fun, or focus? What is it really about? We’d lean towards the former. You can study, and still have a lot of fun, too. Even if you aren’t winning the Kentucky Derby like this horse, you can *win* at finals season with our gnarly study tips below. Bwogline: A horse named Nyquist (Nyquil? no) […]

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If you haven’t seen them the last couple of days, Lion Credit Union Initiative is handing out free coffee outside of Butler tonight!  Double your credit production by caffeinating before your assignment, and learning how you can get even more credit through LCUI! That non-dead rockstar thing Seattle is famous for, via Shutterstock

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Life throws a lot of curveballs.  To that end, we set into Butler last night to see: what are you prepared for?  There were a lot more class references than zombie apocalypse references, sadly. 2nd floor: Nothing. New beginnings… Next weekend. That’s tough. I don’t know–probably just the zombie apocalypse. Right now I’m going to buy […]

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Some Columbia related news passed in the month of August.  We rounded it up for you: Aditya Mukerjee, CC ’12 and the former publisher of Spec, was detained at the airport after setting off an alarm because he had bedbug spray residue on his hands. “You’ve got to understand, when someone of your background, traveling […]

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It’s been a little less than a month since Bwog has begun its quest for the best cup of joe in Morningside. After a victory upset and the close of Round 1, the stakes went up a notch. This time, the battle between our winners from Round 1 caused our caffeinated connoisseurs a double-take, but after careful consideration […]

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Update: It’s the 118th Street Breakfast Cart! We just wanted to build some suspense. Last weekend, Bwog’s crack team of bracketologists debuted the Bwog Coffee Showdown, with the goal of finding the best cup of coffee in Morningside? Sure, you can read about Linsanity on any sports page, but only Bwog’s Sports Desk can provide in-depth coverage of Columbia’s […]

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Update, 12:45 pm: Starbucks on 115th is back in business! About to head out the door for your morning Starbucks? Hold up! Due to the water issues that have been plaguing the neighborhood as of late, the 115th location is closed indefinitely. O, the misfortune! The perils of a caffeine-less 10 am class! What is […]

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This past weekend, Bwog’s crack team of bracketologists debuted the Bwog Coffee Showdown, with the goal of answering every Columbian’s foremost quandary: where is the best cup of coffee in Morningside? Sure, you can read about Linsanity on any sports page, but only Bwog’s Sports Desk can provide in-depth coverage of Columbia’s very own pursuit of the […]

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You may have noticed this dope ass coffee cup at Blue Java this past week. Columbia is no stranger to ’90s throwbacks, or puns. This cup seamlessly integrates both. According to Rosie Fernandez over at Dining, “This is a vintage blue java cup that we brought back for finals.” Can we keep ’em Pa, please? Cup […]

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Ladies and gentlemen, the future is here.  Oren’s Daily Roast, the coffee shop that is so much better than Starbucks, I mean why would you ever drink Starbucks, has entered the modern age.  Instead of their old stamp cards, they now have plastic swipe cards. Behold.  Behold the bi-chromatic design, the name stamped boldly across […]

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This large contraption was spotted outside of Hamilton 702, just DC chillin’. No cups, no explanation, nothing. This campus is getting more mysterious by the second. Update: Now with a lost, wandering Chewie! Photos by ECS, MMT

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Maybe they look like these gourmet beauts! Run! Rush! Walk fast! Update: A word to the wise: the cookies are free, but you may be guilted into donating to the SEAS Senior Fund.

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Bwog’s most beloved feature returns with breaking headlines. Instead of weekly round-ups, we’ll be reporting the most insignificant of minutiae as they transform your daily life. No longer shall you anxiously hang on for the report, wondering, ‘How can my life be more boring??’ Blue Java introduces a new loyalty card. There was a definite […]

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The Morningside minutiae in our little Bubble Above 110th Street is what keeps us together. The tiny parts of our neighborhood that make it both boring and wonderful would seem trivial to anyone on the outside.  Occasionally, we’ll be taking the time to share the minor details with you. The Entitled Sophomores indignantly note that […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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