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Dear Columbia,

Hamilton is FUCKING FULL, kthxbai. (Click the pictures to enlarge) Butler is probably full too, but at least the Hamilton squatters have the decency to leave apologetic notes. Tipped by D.H.
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Another senior bestows his fleshy wisdom. Name, School: Nicholas Sanz-Gould, CC Claim to fame: I’m co-president of Chowdah Sketch Comedy, sometimes I have poems published in Quarto and New Poetry, I kinda have a thing for gold shoes, and maybe you listened to my radio show with Peter Licursi. (It was called Boy Polloi.) Where are […]
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Bwog is pleased to bring the second edition of our relaxation series. This time, our Scandinavian-in-Residence Ricky Raudales tells you how and why to take advantage of the sauna. Treat yourself (literally!) after your long weekend of studying. Bwoggers, circa 1993 With the dog days of summer mere weeks away, the sauna may not seem […]
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One unfortunate Wienie was devastated upon returning to the communal fridge—rather than the comforting icy delights of Ben & Jerry’s, this Wiener found nothing at all. Not sure we want to think about where that ice cream could possibly have been…
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Next, we hear from a “SEASoned character.” Name, school: Justin Chow, SEAS Claim to fame: 8 time Orgo-nighter, 4 years in a row Homecoming baby blue pigmented crowd pleaser (shout out to my stalwart crew the Columbs!), Kung Fu Fighter/stunter, that guy who periodically looks like he’s dressed up for war. Where are you going? […]
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Give back all the city’s missing trees! (Gothamist) Give back to your mother for her gift of life by buying her the gift of brunch! (GrubStreet) Give back the $300K you made from selling dead Osama t-shirts! (Village Voice) Give Slovakia back its national online media! (BBC) Give back magazine publishing its profitability! (WSJ) /p>
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While the lucky among us are having either stressful finals sex, or fuck-it-I’m-graduating-and-I-ain’t-doing-it-a-virgin sex, our noble collegiate mascots have their own erotic story of deprivation and degradation to tell. An anonymous author shares the first part of this Bwog-exclusive series. There will be flirting, foreplay, sex, and hopefully playful “experimentation” between roommates. But before you send this […]
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Another senior bestows his wisdom upon us heathens. Name, school: Brenden Cline, Columbia College Claim to fame: I’m the guy to blame for the ranked choice voting system that let CU Charge win the last CCSC election  (jk Aki!). I once flustered Ann Coulter. I also started the GreenBorough Special Interest Community on 114th. Full resume available […]
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Bwog’s resident Portraiture Enthusiast Mahima Chablani returns with a second edition of Dead White Guys. This time, she’s here to provide the captions for the paintings  surrounding the main stairs in Butler—no one is physically tall enough to come close to reading them. Next time you walk in, stop moaning about bed bugs and Redbull […]
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NYU’s adopted hawk family, Violet and Bobby, have been the subject of a lot of concern recently. Bird experts, and Bwog, claimed that the pair’s eggs past due earlier this week, but to the shock and surprise of live stream viewers, one chick has since emerged! College students aren’t the only people who procrastinate in/on […]
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The real world has no finals. (Unless you count taxes.) Here’s what’s happened around you while you were cooped up in the library:
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Let’s Go Europe

Europe is scary! For those of you considering a summer romp through the continental continent, Caitlyn Levin, an Actual European, details her journey through Europe and describes the workings of the mysterious Eurail system. The cultured man’s choo-choo train. If you’re thinking about traveling around Europe this summer, you’ve probably already heard the term “Eurail” […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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