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Hailed as one of the most successful female composers of all time, 3-time Grammy winner, Joan Tower, will be at our very own Miller Theatre tonight. The living legend spared some time to talk to Bwog’s ivory tickling enthusiast Carolyn Ruvkun about “DWEMs” and dead lettuce. Bwog: How would you describe your music? Joan Tower: […]
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Hey kids, learn things from your elders… Name, school: Stephanie Riederman, CC Claim to fame: Sanctum editor, Hillel board member, Erstwhile hip-hop blogger, Honorary Swede, The girl who lost her purse Monday night and started sobbing in the middle of 1020. Where are you going? As of now unclear. I’m trying to get my Toby […]
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Okay so you’re basically not allowed on campus again until after graduation, and now you’re all mopey because Snoop is gone from your life and you have nine papers due tomorrow. Good news, friends! Snoop may not be comin’ back, but we have it on the best authority that there are three (3) lovely destinations […]
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Over the last few weeks, your correspondent has received a total of seven automatic reminders to fill out course evaluations (i.e. spam) and three personal emails from professors requesting that their evaluations be completed. And they are pretty important—filling out course evaluations lets professors know what works and what doesn’t in their classes. Unfortunately, course […]
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“The kind of kid who always comes back with a story,” this wise senior got a whopping 6 nominations. Name, school: Rajib Mitra, Electrical Engineering – SEAS (took many of my friends 3 years to realize this) Claim to fame: No degree from any prestigious university will ever parallel with handing Snoop Dogg a cup of gin […]
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The only way to truly take a study break is to eat some snacks. Consider that you are on your tenth study break and that there are local, farm-fresh, nutritional offerings at your door! HamDel will still be there tomorrow, but not the Farmer’s Market! Out there today: Many succulent representatives from the allium genus: […]
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President Obama will make his first presidential visit to ground zero today. Unfortunately, even if you had spare time to go see him, he is only doing a quick wreath laying with no speech. (The Daily Beast, NY Times) Yesterday the President decided not to release photographs of bin Laden’s dead body. This news comes […]
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Columbia Libraries are providing you with some hearty snacks from 10 to midnight in Butler Café. Their blog post proclaims “Starbucks Coffee & Bagels” But we know what you’re thinking: where are they sourcing these bagels? BlueJava (wherever that is)? Absolute? Nussbaum? Acme? Were they baked more than two hours ago? In this crazy town, […]
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Get smart, children. Name, School: Sara Schilling, CC Claim to fame: I’ve been a part of COÖP, CAVA, and Youth for Debate and am an exceedingly fast-talker, but hopefully, it’s mostly for being friendly. Where are you going? Home to a lake in northern Minnesota until August, then to Chile for a year to work […]
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The Core asks you some tough, tough questions. Because we aren’t overachieving enough, the Center for the Core Curriculum decided to instate the Core Scholars Program earlier this year. Finally, the announcement has been made, and the wait’s over: We now know and envy the names of the winners of the $200 cash prizes and […]
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We continue to respect our heritage/amorous affair with our mother-magazine, The Blue & White by posting each issue of the magazine online. The latest issue, available this week around campus, is a cornucopia of delights: an interview with Dean Peter Awn; the quixotic quest for a Quidditch team; and a reflection on Columbia’s recent media malaise. In Campus Characters, the Blue & White introduces […]
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I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
I LOVED THIS PIECE. Sophie Jones just did gods work!!! It was so funny and presented some very vital information (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
This article is so amazing. Thank you for this incredible investigative work. (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
Super informative! (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024

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