Location: 600 W. 113th Nearby dorms: McBain and Watt are across Broadway. Hogan and Broadway are only a block away. Stores and restaurants: On top of Nussbaum & Wu and Mill Korean. Across the street from Deluxe, Milano and Campo. The rest of Broadway lies at your fingertips (shoetips?). You will live for Nussbaum pizza […]
The administration will relocate CAVA to the basement of Nussbaum over the summer. CAVA’s move to Nussbaum surprised many, especially after undergraduate student councils had issued a joint statement supporting CAVA’s bid for space in Broadway. Farther away from campus than Broadway, the larger space in Nussbaum had never been discussed as a possible location for […]
From the largest interdisciplinary fortress to the tiniest of urban meadows, no news is irrelevant. It’s about the bigger picture. A broken chain has been spotted on Low Plaza, trespass while you can! There is construction going on outside Nussbaum & Wu, so there is no outside seating (perhaps irrelevant in these current climes) Butler […]
Everything has increased in price, but luckily, life has improved ever so slightly here in Morningside. Pastries in Nussbaum have labels. What’s life without a little bit of mystery? Mel’s fry deal: Fries are now $1.75 with a burger and soda/draft beer. (Fries are usually $4.) There’s a new mushroom salad topping at the salad bar […]
The Health Department is, as of this summer, requiring that every restaurant in New York display the letter grades they most recently received for cleanliness. This is a nightmare for everyone; it’s rare that any restaurant will sneak away with no health violations. The grades will be assigned during the next year, when the Health […]
Bagels are eight cents more expensive at Nussbaum as of this past weekend. That’s 98 cents a bagel instead of 90 cents. In other news, Marla Maples (who is apparently a real person that used to be married to Donald Trump) was seen at a CC info session on Friday with her teenage daughter, Tiffany […]
Bwog continues to collate new and noteworthy tidbits from around campus. Please continue to send in your Boring-worthy tips to tips@bwog.net To enter Nussbaum, you now have to have your ID swiped twice Around the corner at Nussbaum, the brand of coffee has been upgraded changed, and is now 15 cents more expensive In other […]
– Photo by LDP It seems that Nussbaum will not be accepting your CUID as payment for breakfast this morning, so best go start looking for that 5-spot in your other jeans. According to the nice people behind the counter, this was not an act of Flex-deserting a la everywhere else, but a simple case […]
For our next installment in a series on the best of what Greater Morningside has to offer: bagels (with apologies to those celebrating Yom Kippur). In order to maintain at least the pretence of fairness, in choosing bagel places to review, I stuck with those that either explicitly define themselves as bagelries (meaning they probably […]
Bloomberg has an article today highlighting the salaries of some of the city’s biggest names in arts and culture. One name on the list is your president Lee C. Bollinger, who takes home a “$1.42 million package, which included $911,284 in base pay and $500,610 in benefits.” This puts PrezBo’s salary a little under that […]
Nussbaum & Wu is now officially parent subsidized. That’s right gentle reader–one swipe is all you need for the most cream cheese you could ask for on a toasted bagel. HamDel will be coming by tomorrow morning at the latest, according to BB1 (the vendor). BB1 plans to ship the equipment to Fairway tonight, so […]
Break is drawing to a close, and the housing lottery is fast approaching. Use your last weekday off to acquaint yourself with the next dorm in our 2008 housing series: Nussbaum. You could do a whole lot worse than 600 W. 113th Street, a.k.a. Nussbaum. To begin, Nussbaum’s in a great location – equidistant from […]
Nussbaum certainly doesn’t “Wu” Subway savior can find like-minded saviors outside Tom’s Probably no Bollinger Halls in our future. Renaming Hamilton goes to highest bidder. Offers of int’l internships in many fields (in addition to finance) – and students still cry “Finaaaannccee” Staff agrees: Creative writing major = “Ehh” Why can’t we all just … […]
Free dorm fridge (not a cube but the bigger one) spotted on the fourth floor landing of Nussbaum. Be a dear and email bwgossip if it gets picked up.
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025